Changes in the University’s governance system, financial basis and organization signal that it is facing a transformative period. This paper proposes a perspective for understanding current changes in University governance as institutional collisions, where the University as a distinct institutional sphere is challenged by market and government.

ARENA Working Paper 02/2006 (pdf)

Åse Gornitzka & Johan P. Olsen

This paper accounts for the so-called Biometric Passports Regulation of the European Community. Formally adopted by the Council of the European Union (EU) in December of 2004, the Biometric Passports Regulation prescribes the compulsory biometric “enrollment” of all EU citizens applying for a new passport or passport renewal. Member States fully participating in the Schengen regime and Schengen-affiliated third countries like Norway are obliged to include two biometric identifiers into their citizens’ passports by the end of June 2009. Schengen-made “e-Passports” will contain a chip storing a facial scan of the passport holder and two of his or her fingerprints.

ARENA Working Paper 11/2006 (pdf)

Jonathan P. Aus

Over the past two decades, rational choice theories have made rapid inroads into the study of EU politics. This paper examines the application of rational choice analyses to EU politics, assesses the empirical fruitfulness of such analyses, and identifies both internal and external challenges to the rational choice study of the EU.

ARENA Working Paper 12/2006 (pdf)

Mark A. Pollack