Webpages tagged with « EFTA»

Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM

This paper discusses the varying degree of implementation and compliance with international norms, taking EU and EFTA legislation as centre of analysis. Looking closer at the form of resolution when international norms conflict with national law, it is found that domestic traditions and political culture have considerable bearing on the efficiency of implementation - more so than any power of enforcement at the European level.

ARENA Working Paper 08/2003 (pdf)

Ulf Sverdrup

Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM

Hva er ESAs faktiske rolle i overvåkning og implementering av EØS-avtalen, og hvorfor er organet så omstridt? Denne artikkelen tar et overblikk over disse spørsmålene og skisserer noen svar.

What is the factual role of ESA under the EEA Agreement, and why is the work of ESA so controversial in the member states? Some suggestive answers are given in this paper. The paper is in Norwegian.

ARENA Working Paper 11/2002 (html)

Hans Petter Graver and Ulf Sverdrup

Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM

During the last decade, national parliaments have left their status as ‘losers’ of European integration by attaining a more prominent role in the EU. Tracing this development, the paper argues that a gap has evolved between the EU and EFTA countries with regards to parliamentary influence; furthermore, this gap is likely to increase with the introduction of a Constitution for Europe.

ARENA Working Paper 17/2004 (pdf)

Jan Kåre Melsæther and Ulf Sverdrup

Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM

This paper takes as object of study a defining period of Norway's relations to the EU, from 1959, when EFTA was established, to 1962, when Britain's first application for EC membership was vetoed by de Gaulle. It is argued here that EFTA represented an ideal solution for Norway in downplaying political tensions and cleavages in Norway. The option of EC membership, meanwhile, did not acquire any similar policy consensus.

ARENA Working Paper 25/1998 (html)

Hans Otto Frøland