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Ønsker du å motta invitasjoner til ARENAs debatter og andre åpne arrangementer eller tirsdagsseminarer? Meld deg på epostlisten vår



ARENA organises a panel discussion on European security policy. 


Velkommen til panelsamtale om aktuelle utfordringer i norsk og europeisk sikkerhetspolitikk under Arendalsuka 2024.


IUROPA organizes its third workshop on working with data on law and courts. The call for participation is now open.

Deadline: 15 June 2024. 



Er høyrepopulisme noe vi bør frykte, eller legitim politisk kamp? Og hva foregår i Frankrike og Italia?

Pietro Intropi presents the paper Towards a Just Europe? EU Justice beyond Sufficiency at the Tuesday Seminar on 28 May 2024.

Agustín José Menéndez presents the paper From Primacy to Supremacy? Quantitative Easing, Judicial Independence and the Mutation of the Structural Principles of European Union Law at the Tuesday Seminar on 14 May 2024.


Hva gjør Norge og Europa dersom vår viktigste støttespiller ikke lenger er til å stole på?


Hva er EØS-avtalen og hva betyr den for Norge? Og hvordan samarbeider Norge med EU om klimatiltak? Lær mer av leder av EØS-utvalget og medlemmer av sekretariatet i dette lunsjseminaret. 



Ines Wagner presents the paper The Transnational Mobility of Labour and Capital in the European Single Market: The Case of Shipbuilding at the Tuesday Seminar on 30 April 2024.


The COMPLEX project organizes a workshop discussing prospects for rationality and legality in a complex multilevel context.


Uwe Puetter presents the paper What determines the ability of European Union executive institutions to address major contemporary cross-sectoral policy challenges? Initial evidence from the Green Deal and the Fit-for-55 package at the Tuesday Seminar on 16 April 2024.


Fiksjon eller virkelighet? Hvordan jobber de mørkeste kreftene for å endre Europa? Bli med på eksklusiv førvisning av den norske serien Furia 2 fra Amazon Prime, og panelsamtale om ekstremisme.


Martin Moland presents the paper New or Old Politics? Understanding public preferences for an EU single market at the Tuesday Seminar on 2 April 2024.


Christopher Lord presents the chapter Taking back Control. How Brexit meant much more than Brexit at the Tuesday Seminar on 12 March 2024.


On Thursday 29 February, researcher and Committee of the Regions official Justus Schönlau will visit ARENA and present his current research on the Institutionalisation of Strategic Foresight as an EU Governance Tool.


John Erik Fossum presents the paper On Partisanship and Party at the Tuesday Seminar on 27 February 2024.


Olof Larsson presents the paper Divide and Conquer: The Balancing Acts of the Court of Justice and the Member States in the Era of Cassis at the Tuesday Seminar on 6 February 2024.


Master of Science in Organisational and Social Psychology and Master of Arts with Honours in Politics Tine Elisabeth Johnsen Brøgger at ARENA Centre for European Studies and Department of Political Science will be defending her dissertation: "Beyond the State? The Establishment of Integrative Commitments in European Security and Defence Cooperation"


Lydia Tiede presents the paper Rule of Law Promotion in Times of De-Democratization at the Tuesday Seminar on 5 December 2023.


Norge er, gjennom EØS-avtalen og en rekke andre avtaler, tett bundet opp til EU. Hvilke handlingsrom og muligheter har Norge i dette samarbeidet?


Master in Sosiology Jan Pesl at ARENA Centre for European Studies and the Department of Sociology and Human Geography will be defending his dissertation From Critical Capacity to Legitimation Crisis: The EU legitimacy changes and the UK public sphere before Brexit.


Michael Zürn holds the presentation On the Rise of Authoritarian Populism at the Tuesday Seminar on 14 November 2023.


The deep foundations of global order are under severe strain. Great power competition has returned with a vengeance, as China and Russia have stepped forward to contest the Western-led liberal international order.


Helene Sjursen, together with her co-authors Federica Bicchi and Marianna Lovato, presents the paper Multilateralism in EU foreign policy-making at the Tuesday Seminar on 31 October 2023.


Nikoleta Yordanova presents the paper Negotiating European Integration: Council Responsiveness to Public Opinion at the Tuesday Seminar on 17 October 2023.