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Arrangementer - Side 3


Former CJEU judge Allan Rosas will give us an insider's view of the Court of Justice and its working methods.


European Law Lunch with former CJEU judge and current president of the 255 Committee Allan Rosas.


The EUI and EU3D are holding a workshop which will cover transformative transnational governance in the EU and beyond, prompting participants to debate the connection between transnational governance and democratic resilience. 

Deadline for contributions: 30 April.


Andreas Dür presents the co-authored paper A Fair Deal: Gains, Losses, and Individual Attitudes towards Trade Agreements at the Tuesday Seminar on 25 April 2023.


Jozef Batóra moderated a debate about Kosovo-Serbian relations in a panel discussion organized by the Austrian Institute for International Affairs and Webster Vienna University. 


Sonja Grimm and Karina Shyrokykh will give a Future of Europe Lecture: "Tracing the Evolution of EU Democracy Promotion in the Neighbourhood and Beyond". 


Silje Synnøve Lyder Hermansen presents the co-authored paper Leveling and Spotlighting: How International Courts Refract Private Litigation to Build Institutional Legitimacy at the Tuesday Seminar on 11 April 2023.


Eva Heidbreder presents the paper From the Blind Men and the Octopus: Dynamics in the European Union’s Federal Design and Practices at the Tuesday Seminar on 28 March 2023.


This event organised by EU3D partner Bruegel, will explore narratives of EU reforms in the European and national parliaments and the media.


Jan Rovny presents his book Circumstantial Liberals: Ethnic Minorities, Political Competition, and Democracy at the Tuesday Seminar on 14 March 2023.


EU3D researcher Dirk Leuffen  will chair the upcoming DI Garage online seminar 'Differentiated integration in the EU: Institutional effects, public opinion, and alternative flexibility arrangements' on March 9 2023


Christian Joerges presents his book Conflict and Transformation, with comments from Inger Johanne Sand and John Erik Fossum.


Rafał Riedel presents the co-authored paper Poland and Germany in the System of European Differentiated Integration  - Revisiting Cleavage Perspective at the Tuesday Seminar on 14 February 2023.


Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen presents at the paper European Administrative Networks: fragile or resilient institutions? Analyzing network interactions in times of crises at the Tuesday Seminar on 31 January 2023.


Michal Ovádek presents the chapter Contested Competences in the European Union: How Politics and Law Shape What the EU Can('t) Do at the Tuesday Seminar on 17 January 2023.


Markus Jachtenfuchs presents Reconfiguring Europe at the Tuesday Seminar on 6 December 2022.


How does Norway collaborate with the rest of Europe to address shared climate and environmental challenges? This was one of the questions addressed by the Minister of Climate and Environment, Espen Barth Eide, during the annual ARENA lecture.


Hvordan samarbeider Norge med resten av Europa for å løse felles klima- og miljøutfordringer? Det varr ett av spørsmålene klima- og miljøminister Espen Barth Eide tok for seg i årets ARENA-forelesning.


Tarjei Bekkedal presents the project Welfare across borders: solidarity, equality and free movement (LEVEL) at the Tuesday Seminar on 22 November 2022.


Eva Thomann presents her co-authored paper EU versus core state powers: the customisation of European Union fiscal policy at the Tuesday Seminar on 8 November 2022.


Liesbet Hooghe presents the co-authored paper Field of Education and the Transnational Cleavage at the Tuesday Seminar on 25 October 2022.


The IUROPA network – in collaboration with the EUI, ARENA and PluriCourts – has announced a call for participation in a one-week workshop that will assist early-career researchers with the uptake of new research tools related to judicial decision-making.


Dimiter Toshkov presents the co-authored paper Avoiding Public Backlash: Enforcing Rule of Law in the European Union at the Tuesday Seminar on 20 September 2022.


Adriana Bunea presents the co-authored paper Public consultations and stakeholder support for legislative proposals: Evidence from the European Union at the Tuesday Seminar on 6 September 2022.