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Arrangementer - Side 5


Vivien Schmidt presents two chapters from the book 'Europe's Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 27 April 2021.


Roberta Guerrina presents the paper 'The Role of the High Representative in Framing Gender: A Comparison of Catherine Ashton and Federica Mogherini' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 13 April 2021.


Andrew Geddes presents the paper 'Repertoires of Migration Governance in the European Union' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 16 March 2021.


Turkuler Isiksel presents the paper 'Corporations as Rights-bearers' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 2 March 2021.


Maarten Hillebrandt and Marlen Heide present the paper 'The bankruptcy of transparency? Disinformation and its theoretical challenge' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 16 February 2021.


Craig Parsons presents the paper 'Why did Europe's single market surpass America's?' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 26 January 2021.


Ixchel Pérez Durán presents the paper 'Stakeholders and lobbying in EU agencies: Assessing critical mass and the plurality of voices' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 8 December 2020.


Marlene Wind from University of Copenhagen will present three chapters from her book 'The Tribalization of Europe' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 17 November 2020.


Professor Waltraud Schelkle presents the paper 'Monetary solidarity and justice: Can divisive institutions become "moral opportunities"?' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 3 November 2020


Robert Kissack from Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) will present the paper 'Normative contestation in an era of declining liberal hegemony' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 15 September 2020.


Simona Piattoni presents the paper 'Convergence towards a single economic model? Italy and Germany in the interconnected euro system' on 18 February at ARENA. 


Richard Bellamy presents the paper 'Differentiated integration as a fair scheme of cooperation' on 11 February at ARENA. 


Fabio Wolkenstein presents the paper 'A Democratic Theory of Growth Regimes' on 26 November at ARENA. 


ARENA will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a half-day public conference at the House of Literature on 18 November 2019. 


ARENA feirer 25 år med en jubileumskonferanse på Litteraturhuset den 18. november 2019. 


Sacha Garben presents the paper 'Collective identity as a legal limit to European integration in areas of core state powers' on 12 November at ARENA. 


Katharina Meissner will hold a methods seminar entitled 'Using 'R' in qualitative research: QCA, process-tracing, and the case of EU trade sanctions'. The seminar is open to all ARENA staff. 


What will be the final outcome of the European election and how will this affect Norway? Prominent researchers, journalists and politicians will discuss this during our event at Arendalsuka. 


We invite you to an exciting discussion during Arendalsuka about EU, EEA and Brexit with research experts and key players in the Norwegian economy.


Vi inviterer til spennende samtale under Arendalsuka om EU, EØS og Brexit med eksperter fra forskningsektoren og nøkkelaktørene i norsk økonomi. 


Andreas Eriksen presents the paper 'The Accountability of Independent Agencies' on 28 May 2019 at ARENA.


Markus Patberg presents the paper 'Constituent Power in the European Union: A Critique of Regional Cosmopolitanism' on 14 May 2019 at ARENA. 


Eva Heims will present the paper 'Same, same, but different: Regulatory Expertise and the Differentiated Application of EU Law by National Regulators' on 19 March at ARENA.


Craig Parsons presents the paper 'Polanyian Muscles in Hayekian Brussels: The European Union’s Economic Authority in Comparative and Theoretical Perspective' on 26 February 2019 at ARENA.


Claudio Radaelli presents the paper 'Don't think it is a good idea! A critical analysis of the "ideas school"' on 5 February 2019 at ARENA.