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Arrangementer - Side 6


Jonathan Kuyper presents the paper 'Complementing and correcting representative institutions: When and how to use mini‐publics' on 22 January at ARENA


Solveig Aamodt will present the paper 'The non-state that failed as an international leader: Explaining why the EU largely gave up its global climate governance ambitions' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 11 December 2018.


The seminar will discuss three recently published books which deal with challenging questions of identity and belonging, as well as terrorism.


Christilla Roederer-Rynning presents ‘Black Boxes and Open Secrets — Trilogues as a Democratic Resolution’ on 13 November 2018 at ARENA.


Costanza Margiotta will make a presentation based on her paper 'An Update on Secession as the “Ultimate Right”: for a Liminal Legality' on 6 November 2018 at ARENA.


William E. Scheuerman will present his paper 'Constituent power and civil disobedience: beyond the nation state?' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 23 October 2018.


Professor William E. Scheuerman will give a presentation 'Can Political Institutions Commit Civil Disobedience?' at the seminar at the Faculty of Law. The seminar is jointly organised by the Department of Public and International Law and ARENA.


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 16 October 2018, Mark Dawson will present his paper 'Reconciling Independence and Accountability at the European Central Bank: The False Promise of Proceduralism'.


At the extended ARENA Tuesday Seminar Professor Matt Qvortrup and the ARENA researchers held Referendum Symposium, providing accounts on the EU-related referendums, including the Brexit referendum.


Jan Zielonka will make a presentation entitled 'The remaking of the EU’s borders and the images of European architecture' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 18 September 2018.


Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide gave the annual ARENA Lecture 2018 at Blindern on 11 September 2018. 


Norges utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide holdt årets ARENA-forelesning med tittelen "Verdifellesskap i en krevende tid – hva kan norsk europapolitikk utrette?"


Holger Straßheim presented his paper 'Reframing regulation: behavioural expertise in EU policy-making' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 28 August 2018.


Former Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide meets leading researchers to debate Norwegian participation in EU agencies. 


Tidligere utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide møter ledende forskere til debatt om norsk tilslutning til EU-byråer. 


The former Norwegian minister of EEA and EU Affairs, Marit Berger Røsland, will debate Brexit and 'the Norway model' with leading EU researchers from ARENA. 


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 12 June 2018, Paul Blokker will discuss his paper 'Transnational European movements and constitutional claims'.


Professor Cristina Lafont from GLOBUS will present the paper 'Neoliberal globalization and the international protection of human rights' on 15 May 2018.


On invitation from GLOBUS, Professor Michael Zürn will present the paper 'The social origins of silent majorities' on 24 April 2018.


Graham Finlay will present the paper 'The European Union as a tolerant actor for global justice' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 20 March 2018.


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 13 March 2018, Raffaele Marchetti discussed his paper 'What is a democratic foreign policy? Procedures, goals and actions for states and the EU'.


Dr. Christian Kreuder-Sonnen presented the paper 'International authority and the emergency problematique' on 13 February 2018.


Professor Jens Blom-Hansen presented the paper 'Reputation and organizational politics: Inside the EU Commission' on 6 February 2018 at ARENA.


Marco Dani will gave a lecture based on the paper 'The rise of the supranational executive and the post-political drift of European public law' on 30 January 2018.