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At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 29 April 2014 Espen D. H. Olsen from ARENA presented the paper 'Crisis Resilience and EU Citizenship'.


Professor Einar Øverbye from Oslo and Akershus University College presented his paper 'European Welfare Systems 1883-2013: Is "Ever Stronger Integration" a Master Narrative?' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 8 April 2014.


Professor Sergio Fabbrini presented his latest paper 'After the Euro Crisis: A New Paradigm on the Integration of Europe' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 18 March 2014.


I år markeres både 200-årsjubileet for den norske Grunnloven og 20-årsjubileet for EØS-avtalen. ARENA inviterer til debatt på Litteraturhuset om boken Det norske paradoks, og spør: Er det Norges eller EUs grunnlov som gjelder?


ARENA er til stede på flere av arrangementene under Universitetet i Oslos grunnlovsuke, som arrangeres den første uken i mars. Her inviterer UiO til frokostseminarer, foredrag, debatter og bokopposisjoner.


Europe Minister Vidar Helgesen gave the annual ARENA Lecture 2014 at Blindern Campus on March 4th.


Norges første Europaminister, Vidar Helgesen, holdt årets ARENA-forelesning med tittelen "Jubileumsåret. 1814 - 1989 - 1994 - 2014."


Åse Gornitzka deltar på Forskningsrådets konferanse om kunnskapsgrunnlaget for forsknings- og innovasjonspolitikken med innlegget «Europeiske flaggskipsuniversitet – balansegangen mellom eksellens og samfunnsrelevans».


Professor Sandra Lavenex from the University of Lucerne presented her paper 'The External Institutional Dimension of Differentiated Integration: Third Country Participation in EU Sectoral Bodies' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 25 February 2014.


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 11 February 2014 Dr. Ellen Mastenbroek from Radboud University Nijmegen presented the paper 'Towards More Effective Problem-Solving? Analysing the ex-post Evaluation of European Union Legislation'.


At the Tuesday Seminar on 21 January 2014, Professor Claudia Landwehr from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz presented her paper 'Delegation and democratic meta-deliberation'.


Forskningssatsingen for grunnlovsjubileet 2014 arrangerer formidlingskonferanse i Operaen i Oslo, 10. januar 2014. Her vil blant andre Erik Oddvar Eriksen presentere ARENAs forskning om den norske grunnloven i en europeisk kontekst.


As part of the 5th International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, John Erik Fossum will organise a workshop with Andreas Føllesdal on crisis, innovation/experimentation and the governance of European integration.


The contributors to a forthoming book Europe's prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union, edited by Virginie Guiraudon, Carlo Ruzza and Hans-Jörg Trenz, will gather at ARENA in workshop to discuss draft chapters.


The financial crisis in the EU has pushed thousands of citizens to migrate in a bid to escape uncertainty, unemployment and poverty. Many pick Norway as their destination. What are their experiences? On 5 December ARENA invites to a public debate at the House of Literature to discuss findings from a research project on EU migrants in Norway.


Eurokrisen har sendt tusenvis av europeere på flukt fra økonomiske problemer og arbeidsledighet. Hvordan opplever de som valgte Norge det å komme hit? Den 5. desember arrangerer ARENA en debatt på Litteraturhuset, hvor funn fra et forskningsprosjekt om arbeidsinnvandring fra kriserammede EU-land til Norge blir diskutert.


As part of the seminar series Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, jointly organised by the Freedom of Expression Foundation and ARENA, Prof. Timothy Garton Ash from Oxford University held the public lecture 'Rethinking Europe'.


ARENA organises a workshop gathering contributors to a forthcoming special issue of Journal of European Public Policy to discuss different visions of Differentiated Integration (DI). The aim is to contribute towards a clear, complete and concise definition of the notion.


The bicentennial celebration of the Norwegian Constitution in 2014 represents an important milestone and an opportunity to reflect on the role and status of the constitution and of democracy. ARENA and ASANOR will organise a seminar which is open for everyone, but which is particularly directed towards teachers within the social sciences and humanities.


As part of the seminar series Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, jointly organised by the Freedom of Expression Foundation and ARENA, Prof. Jeremy Adelman from Princeton University held the public lecture 'Intellectuals and the crisis of democracy in the 20th century: The odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman'.


With the European parliamentary elections just one year ahead, can we expect Euroscepticism to become dominant? Are there any lessons to be learned from the 2009 campaign? ARENA invites to a book presentation of Contesting Europe by Pieter de Wilde, Asimina Michailidou and Hans-Jörg Trenz.


Vil euroskeptiske partier bli dominerende i neste års valg til Europaparlamentet? Hvilke lærdommer kan trekkes fra valget i 2009? ARENA inviterer til lansering av boken Contesting Europe: Exploring Euroscepticism in Online Media Coverage av Pieter de Wilde, Asimina Michailidou og Hans-Jörg Trenz.


Klasse 9b fra Hakadal ungdomsskole vant årets finale i Europaeksperten, som ble arrangert på Forskningstorget 2013. De kunne dra tilbake med kr. 25.000 som bidrag i potten til klassetur til neste år.


Southern Europe has been severely struck by the financial crisis, in social as well as political terms. How has the crisis been handled, and could it have been done differently? These questions were discussed at a seminar staged by ARENA during the National Science Week.


Den økonomiske krisen har hatt dyptgripende sosiale og politiske effekter i Sør-Europa. Hvordan har krisen vært håndtert og kunne det vært gjort annerledes? Vil EU overleve krisen? Hvor unikt er det som skjer? Hvilke lærdommer kan trekkes fra andre økonomiske kriser?