Call for master students

Zoom-seminar at C-REX for masters students

C-REX would like to come in contact with masters students studying (right-wing) extremism, nationalism, racism, hate crime, terrorism, political violence or other topics relevant for C-REX. Masters students who work with such topics are invited to attend the masters seminar on February 1st 2022 from 10:00 to 16:00. The seminar is open for students in social sciences, humanities and law.

The seminar will be led by the post-doctor and political scientist at C-REX, Øyvind Bugge Solheim, and by anthropologist and researcher at C-REX, Cathrine Thorleifsson. Other C-REX researchers will also attend.

At the seminar the students will be invited to present their masters projects for a group of researchers at C-REX.

Application form can be found here:

C-REX masters seminar February 1st 2022 - Deadline for applying January 27. - Nettskjema


Publisert 13. jan. 2022 13:11 - Sist endret 13. jan. 2022 13:17