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Tidligere arrangementer

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo

C-REX and the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy are thrilled to present the 4th edition of its Summer School focusing on the study of the far–right in its radical, populist, and extremist manifestations. The programme is crafted to deepen your understanding of the theoretical, empirical, and methodological frameworks that underpin contemporary far-right politics.

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo

Welcome to the 6th Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism, organized by Center for Research on Extremism, University of Oslo, June 17-19, 2024.

Tid og sted: , Online

with Dr. Ashton Kingdon

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with Dr. Robert Topinka, University of London

Tid og sted: , Online

with Antonis Ellinas, University of Cyprus

Tid og sted: , Online

with Pietro Castelli Gattinara and Iris Beau Segers

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with Dr. Valentine Crosset, University of Geneva, and Jennifer West, American University Washington

Tid og sted: , Online

with Celestine Kunkeler, Catherine Tebaldi, Meili Criezis and Chelsea Daymon

Tid og sted: , Online

Lecturer: Chenchen Zhang, Durham University

Tid og sted: , Online

with Pasha Dashtgard,  Polarization and Extremism Research Innovation Lab, American University

Tid og sted: , Rom 629, Eilert Sundts hus

Velkommen til høstens masterseminar ved C-REX.

Masterseminaret er for studenter som skriver om eller har tenkt å skrive om ekstremisme.

Tid og sted: , Online

With Christopher Fardan and Audrey Gagnon

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Lecturers: Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) and Lisa Zanotti (Diego Portales University)

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo

The study of online violent extremism is an emerging and growing field in academia – one that can, however, expose researchers to risk of harm online and offline. 

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo
Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, EIlert Sundt building

This Seminar is part of the seminar series of  Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime 

Tid og sted: , NUPI
Tid og sted: , Zoom

Lecturer: Rosana Pinheiro-Machado, University College Dublin.


This workshop focus on foreign fighters, i.e. military volunteers fighting in a theatre of war in one country while citizens of another. 

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

with Associate professor Judith Keene, University of Sydney, and Associate professor David Malet, American University Washington DC

Tid og sted: , Online

with Bhakti Deodhar, University of London

Tid og sted: , Rom 538 Eilert Sundts hus

Ønsker du å bli koblet til masternettverket på Senter for ekstremismeforskning (C-REX) og presentere en skisse eller et utkast til en masteroppgave for senterets forskere?

Tid og sted: , Online

Lecturer: Sama Khosravi Ooryad, University of Gothenburg