Nordic Right-Wing Populism Bibliography

Electoral breakthrough of the True Finns (now the Finns) in 2011. Party leader at the time, Timo Soini, down to the left.

Photo: Anders Ravik Jupskås

Right-wing populist parties in the Nordic region are increasingly successful in terms of both electoral support, policy influence and governing experience. Not surprisingly, there is thus a growing academic literature that deals with different aspects of these parties. However, students and scholars of right-wing populism alike are not always aware of all these publications due to problems of visibility and accessibility.

This bibliography contains all publications in English on Nordic right-wing populism, including journal articles, monographs, book chapters and (a few) working papers. In addition to the complete list, we also made a list of monographs and PhD theses and one list for each of the five countries (i.e. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland).

Complete list Monographs Countries

Note that we did not include articles and book chapters on party politics or electoral behavior in the Nordic region in general, although right-wing populist parties are obviously part of such analyses. Moreover, any bibliography is, of course, likely to be incomplete. Please send an email to Anders Ravik Jupskås if you know of any relevant publication that is not already on the list.

    Published Mar. 21, 2019 3:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2019 11:29 AM