Limited version

A limited version of the RTV dataset is freely available for download below.

Due to privacy protection concerns, this limited version does not contain information about the exact time and location of an event. The qualitative description of each event and all corresponding sources have also been removed.

Download the RTV Dataset (limited version) (excel)

Download the RTV codebook (pdf)

How to provide feedback on the dataset?

New information and relevant links may be submitted through an online form. To provide new information about already registered events, please refer to the event’s “caseID” (first variable in the data set). To suggest a new event to be included in the data set, please consider the above listed inclusion criteria and make sure to provide necessary documentation.


The data is provided as is. All errors and omissions remain with the data set creator. However, the data set creator bears no responsibility for others’ use, analysis, or interpretation of the data. The data set may not be passed on or sold to third parties. Copyright: Jacob Aasland Ravndal.


Published Dec. 10, 2019 1:29 PM - Last modified July 7, 2022 8:32 AM