All panels in alphabetical order

Approaches to data collection and data sources in terrorism research                   

  • The Case of Jihadology  - Aaron Y. Zelin
  • Towards Open and Reproducible Terrorism Studies - Sandy Schumann
  • Sources and use of psychological data on radicalisation and terrorism -Helma van den Berg and Dianne van Hemert     
  • Cause for Pause: Exploiting US-Person Open Source Records to Predict Threat - Darin Challacombe

Attitudinal effects of terrorism                

  • Examining the long-term impacts of the ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ campaign on public behavioural intentions in response to a marauding terrorist firearms scenario - Julia Pearce
  • Radicalization under terrorist threat: Consequences for attitudes toward immigrants   -  Malgorzata Kossowska
  • Can concerns of terroristic threats explain right-wing voters’ anti-migrant sentiments on both sides of the Atlantic? - Violet Cheung-Blunden
  • European support for terrorist tactics: how group identities impact willingness to justify terrorism - Eline Drury Løvlien

Computational and formal methods in terrorism research                          

  • Vulnerability assessment based on probability modelling - Dianne van Hemert, Tony van Vliet, Bob van der Vecht 
  • Analysing radicalisation through social networks, a cooperative game theoretic approach - H.W. Meerveld and R.H.A. Lindelauf              
  • Tracking the Mindset Changes associated with Online Radicalization through Linguistic Growth Curves of Far-Right Extremist Forums - Shuki Cohen

Counter-narratives, media and strategic communication                             

  • New Approaches to Understanding the Complicity of Media in Globalized Terrorism - Aud Sissel Hoel and Mette Mortensen       
  • Who’s Afraid of Counter-Narratives? Lessons from Constitutional Nationalists and Northern Ireland - Shaun  McDaid & Dr Catherine McGlynn             
  • Developing an alternative narrative video game on extremists’ narratives - Daniela Pisoiu and Felix Lippe   
  • Countering Violent Extremism (CVE): How counter-narratives emerge organically as opposed to being constructed by government strategic communications approaches - Anne-Marie Balbi                         

Crime and terrorism                     

  • Myths, propaganda and the reality of terrorist financing through trafficking of art and antiquities - Samuel Andrew Hardy
  • A Pathway Towards Radicalization: Linking Criminology to the Boston Bombers - Joshua Regan
  • The Manchurian Responder: Infiltration Versus Inspiration As a Threat To Public Safety - Ryan J. McGovern
  • The “Islamist Mafias”: A New Perspective On the Study of Th Crime Terror Nexus - Luciano Pollichieni
  • Better Not “More” Data: Implications From a Crime-Terror Nexus Research Project - Kacper Rekawek, Martina Babikova, Viktor Szucs

Disengagement, deradicalisation, and recidivism                             

  • Jihadi Recidivism - Christopher Wright
  • Why is reoffending by former terrorist prisoners so low? Developing a model to explain terrorist reconviction rates - Andrew Silke
  • Psychosocial processes and strategies behind Islamic deradicalisation – A scoping review - Cátia Carvalho
  • Rejection, Radicalization, and Disengagement: - The Case of Norwegian Muslim Men - Uzair Ahmed

Documenting the Islamic State                

  • Intelligence Failure: How Islamic State Propaganda Could Have Been Used to Anticipate the Surge of Terrorist Attacks in Europe - Michael S. Smith II
  • The Modern Phoenix: Documenting the Insurgent Campaign of the Islamic State of Iraq (2008-2013) - Craig Whiteside
  • ISIS and the use of slavery: building a data picture from Sinjar - Andrew Mumford and Nadia al-Dayel   
  • Propaganda as source: The history of the Islamic State through its official publications - Truls H. Tønnessen
  • Building Jihadi Legitimacy: ISIS’ Strategies for Building Popular Support - Adam Hoffman

Emergence of extremism

  • The Social Ecology of Radicalization: Explaining Concentration at Place - Noémie Bouhana and Sandy Schumann
  • Exposure to extremist settings - Bettina Rottweiler 
  • Pathways to Syria: exploring notes in the leaked IS recruitment files - Sanaz Zolghadrih, Paul Gill and Amarnath Amarasingam
  • Disaggregating lone-actor grievance-fuelled violence: Towards a continuum-based understanding of lone-actor terrorists and mass murderers - Caitlin Clemmow & Paul Gill 

Evaluating efforts to counter violent extremism               

  • Sentencing Outcomes for Terrorism-related Charges in England and Wales - Rachel Monaghan
  • Developmental Evaluation Data for P/CVE - Elena Savoia
  • Using mixed methods data to assess radicalisation pathways and the effectiveness of CVE interventions - Adrian Cherney
  • Evaluating Counter-Terrorism Communications in Government - A Review - Ruth Mair

Gender perspectives on terrorism                          

  • Female terrorists: A systematic literature review on research methods and perpetrator characteristics - Miriam Wijkman
  • The visibility of the fictional radicalized woman - Lourme Nadège
  • Hatred, She Wrote: An Analysis of the Extreme Right and Islamic State Women’s Only Forum - Yannick Veilleux-Lepage, Ayse Lokmanoglu          
  • Incel: A Modern Threat - Brian Leblanc and Tali Walters

Impacts of Prevent strategies on populations                   

  • The Suspect Community: A Product of the Prevention of Terrorism Acts or a Creation from Conflict? - Emma Ylitalo-James
  • Alienation or cooperation? British Muslims' reactions to counter-terrorism mobilization - Sadi Shanaah
  • About face: Community responses to digital reporting of terrorism concerns in Australia and the UK - Michele Grossman and Paul Thomas
  • In the Capillaries of Society?: The Community police officer about obtaining information in alleged cases of violent extremism among youth - Annemarie van de Weert and Quirine Eijkman                                 

Incident data in terrorism research                        

  • Definitions matter: A comparison of open source media and U.S. governmental reports of terrorist incidents in Western Europe, 2002-2016 - Wojciech Kaczkowski, Ayse Lokmanoglu, Carol Winkler
  • Harnessing Open-Source Databases for Tracing Right-Wing Terrorism: An Investigative Approach - Daniela Peterka-Benton
  • Data are Not the Problem: Conceptual Discord at the Frontiers of Terrorism Research   Anna Meier
  • Right-wing terrorism and violence: the RTV dataset - Jacob Aasland Ravndal

Qualitative data in terrorism research                     

  • A Critical Appraisal of Skepticism About Terrorist Accounts of Their Motivations - Lorne L. Dawson
  • Interviewing Far-Right Extremists: unique details and common denominators - Nikki Sterkenburg
  • Studying meaning-making in response to terrorist attacks – opportunities and dilemmas of case study research – Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn

Jihadi ideology and culture                        

  • Purity and violence: the case of the Islamic State - Pieter Nanninga
  • Miracles in Jihad - Alexander de la Paz
  • Common psychological traits of right-wing and Islamist extremists - Milan Obaidi
  • Jihadi Weeping - Thomas Hegghammer                              

Jihadism and counterterrorism in sub-Saharan Africa                    

  • The Military and Primary Data Sources; Rethinking the Need for a Fusion of Intelligence and Empirical Terrorism Research in the lake Chad Basin - Medinat Abdulazeez Malefakis
  • Lifting Global Jihad from Below: Understanding the Rise of and Response to Violent Extremism in Sudan - Salma Abdalla
  • Jihadism in Burkina Faso: Studying an Insurgency in the Making - Vidar B. Skretting
  • The Long Road to ‘Recovery’: Kenya’s Terror Narratives - Loise Macharia and Marguerite Barry    
  • Radicalisation Research in the Migrant Context: Mitigating Methodological and Ethical Challenges - Yvonne Rowa

Jihadism trends in South-East Asia                         

  • Findings from an analysis of 20 years of Australian Jihadists - Shandon Harris-Hogan
  • Relentless terrorism in the Philippines over the years - Tes Tuason and C Dominik Güss
  • The Current Patterns of Radicalization, Violence and Terrorism in South Asia - Mubashar Hasan
  • An evaluation of local civil society efforts to confront Islamic State 'influence operations’ in Mindanao - Haroro J. Ingram

New insights on Boko Haram                    

  • Harnessing media data and public perceptions in enhancing counterterrorism policies:  A Qualitative case study of Boko Haram in Nigeria - Tarela Juliet Ike
  • Combating Boko Haram; Challenges and Prospects - Wazeer Murtala
  • An Auto-ethnography from Boko Haram Studies:  The Case for Legitimizing Digital Sources and Avoiding the Feedback Loop - Jacob Zenn
  • With Open Arms? A Conjoint Experiment on Attitudes towards Reintegrating Former Boko Haram Fighters in Nigeria - Amélie Godefroidt and Arnim Langer    

Organisational perspectives on terrorism                           

  • Terrorists and Diplomats: an archive-based, bottom-up view on foreign policy and counter-terrorism - Philipp Hirsch
  • Decision-making in insurgent negotiation: a comparison between the FARC and ELN in Colombia - Alexandra Phelan
  • Bringing policy back: How perceptions of policy affects the risk of violent extremism - Steffen Selmer Andersen

Perspectives on practitioners and agencies in counter-terrorism                             

  • Intelligence failures to anticipate new forms of terrorist organizations: A new approach to understanding the factors and biases which lead to the American intelligence failure to anticipate the rise of the Islamic State - Matan Uberman
  • To Err is Human: Assessing the Inter- and Intra-rater Reliability of Assessments of Risk using the Violent Extremism Risk Assessment (VERA-2) - Jared R. Dmello and Neil D. Shortland
  • Dilemmas in Counter-Terrorism Data Collection – Conflict and Cooperation in Information Exchange between the Public and Private Sector - Nicholas Barnes, Erika Smith and Allison McDowell-Smith
  • Late 20th and early 21st Century Terrorism: The View from an FBI Field Office - Edward J. Valla

Prevention in education                              

  • Understanding Teacher Reporting of Student Vulnerability to Radicalisation - David Parker and Lasse Lindekilde          
  • Assessing the Role of Citizenship Education Provision in Preventing Extremist Radicalisation - Francis Gaffney
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of using Formers in Early Radicalization Prevention: An Impact Study among Young People in Denmark - Lasse Lindekilde and David Parker          
  • Prevent Duty': Understanding the effects of counter-terrorism policy within secondary and further education - Suraj Lakhani

Radicalisation and violent extremism in national and local settings                         

  • From extreme ideas to violence or non-violence: quantitative research into terrorist suspects in the Netherlands - Fabienne Thijs, Elanie Rodermond and Edward Kleemans           
  • The family background of extremists: shared risks, different pathways? - Elanie Rodermond
  • Evolution of jihadism in Finland - Leena Malkki & Juha Saarinen  
  • FTF’s, radicalisation en delinquency. The case of a Dutch town - Rudie Neve

Right-wing extremism: Engagement and disengagement, emergence and decline                           

  • The Pathways Out of Far-Right Extremist Groups in the United States - Michael Jensen, Patrick James and Elizabeth Yates
  • The emergence and decline of vigilantism against migrants and minorities - Tore Bjørgo
  • Evaluating the Norwegian mentoring process for radical inmates - Franck Orban

Right-wing extremism: Ideology, online activism, and violence                 

  • Understanding Male Supremacist Violence as Terrorism - Alex DiBranco
  • Content Analysis of the Turner Diaries and Its Current Impacts on the Discourses of Emerging Right-Wing Extremist and Militia Groups - Fatih Karakus
  • Exploring the Online Far-Right: How forums cultivate collective identity - Jaclyn Fox
  • Keyboard Warriors  Digital Organisation and Right-Wing Extremism - Benjamin Lee

Terrorism Studies and Primary Source Terabytes: Evolution, Challenges, and Opportunities

  • General overview of the evolution of the collection of jihadi primary source documents and the open-source study of this material - Brian Dodwell / Don Rassler
  • Islamic State Khorasan: Inside the Emergence of a Wilayat - Brian Dodwell / Don Rassler
  • Amaq News Agency: The Islamic State’s Great Media Deception - Daniel Milton
  • Female Guesthouses in the Islamic State - U.S. Government Researcher TBD

Terrorist imagery and propaganda                         

  • Exploring the role of visual recruitment strategies as a driver for recruitment - Sheelagh Brady
  • Nuclear Codes: Thematic, Aesthetic, and Semiotic Analysis of Atomwaffen Division Propaganda - Kurt Braddock, Graham Macklin and Daniel Koehler       
  • The treachery of images: visualising “statehood” as a tactic for the legitimisation of non-state actors - Aaron Anfinson
  • Overcoming Disability: The Use of the ‘Supercrip’ trope by Western Militaries and the Islamic State - Mia M.  Bloom and Yannick Veilleux-Lepage

Theories and concepts in terrorism studies                        

  • Barriers to terrorism: a first look at why most extremists never become terrorists - Bart Schuurman
  • Cooperating and Othering: The League of Nations and the Definition of Terrorism - Corentin Sire
  • Ontology, Methodology, and the Future of Terrorism Studies - Michael  Jensen and Jacob Aasland Ravndal,      
  • Theory building in Terrorism Studies. Challenges of interdisciplinary inquiry - Asta       Maskaliūnaitė

Terrorism in movies, literature, and the media                   

  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: Comparing the Cinematic Treatments of the 22nd of July - Anne Gjelsvik
  • Witnessing the witnessing: The potential role of cinema in resiliency after terror attacks - Mads Outzen
  • How the Media represents the effectiveness of de-radicalization in the UK, Australia, Nigeria and Singapore - Gordon Clubb, Ryan O'Connor & Edward Barnes              
  • Framing facts, making sense of terror: the case of ‘22nd of July literature’ in Norway - Ingvild Folkvord

Understanding and combating extremism online              

  • Branding Jihad:  Comparative Analysis of Jihadi Extremists’ Media Strategies - Weeda Mehran
  • ISIS Culture on Telegram - Chelsea Daymon
  • Too Good to be True? Evaluating the Accuracy of Automated Data Collection - Brian Wingenroth, Erin Miller, Michael Jensen, Omi Hodwitz, Kieran Quinlan, Michael Distler,
  • The semiotic construction of identity for radicalisation: A linguistic analysis of terrorist online recruitment materials - Aqsa Isa

Understanding Risk 

  • Using an Experimental Design to Test Terrorism Risk Assessment Tools - Sanaz Zolghadriha, Paul Gill and Noemie Bouhana
  • Risk terrain modelling of violent dissident Republican activity - Zoe Marchment, Paul Gill and John Morrison
  • Application of terrorism risk assessment tools to lone-actor data - Nadine Salman
  • The GRIEVANCE dictionary: understanding terrorist language use - Isabelle van der Vegt, Bennett Kleinberg 
Published Feb. 14, 2019 3:00 PM - Last modified June 17, 2019 1:04 PM