Excursion to Utøya, June 22

C-REX and FFI invites all participants for an excursion to Utøya the following day of the conference - Saturday, June 22.

The day after the main conference, on June 22, the organization committee offers an excursion to Utøya, the main site of the terrorist attacks in Oslo on 22 July, 2011. Sixty-eight (mostly) youths were killed and many more wounded by a lone right-wing terrorist.

The excursion to Utøya is optional, and will include presentations from survivors, police officers, and researchers on the 22 July attack.

Note that this excursion is not part of the main program of the conference, and thus is not covered by the conference fee, and an additional cost of 1000,- NOK will be added for those who chose this option.

Program of the day

08.30 – 09.20 Bus from Oslo City Centre to the ferry

09.20 – 09.50 Ferry to Utøya

10.00 - 10.15 Welcome and introduction - Tore Bjørgo

10.15 – 10.45 What led to the terrorist attacks at the Government District and the political youth camp at Utøya? - Cato Hemmingby, Norwegian Police University College

11.00 – 11.30 From interrogating to interviewing suspects of terror: Towards a new mindset - Asbjørn Rachlew, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (UiO)

11.30 – 12.00 Young people facing terror: New knowledge on health consequences and needs for services. - Grete Dyb, Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 14.00 Guided tour on Utøya

14.15 – 15.00 What changed? Politically active post 22. July. Reflections from a survivor. - Gaute Børstad Skjervø

15.15             Ferry and bus back to Oslo

17.00             Arrival in Oslo

Cato Hemingby is a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Police University College. He is the author of The Dynamics of a Terrorist Targeting Process: Anders B. Breivik and the 22 July Attacks in Norway and Terrorist target selection: The case of Anders Behring Breivik (both with Tore Bjørgo).

Police Superintendent Asbjørn Rachlew (PhD) has worked as a homicide detective for eight years, including the role as advisor to the team interviewing the suspect in the terror attacks in Oslo, 22/7 2011. Rachlew is a guest researcher at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (UiO) and engaged in the development of global standards for Investigative Interviewing in cooperation with various UN offices.

Grete Dyb, M.D., PhD, is a child and adolescent psychiatrist, professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo and Head of research at the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies. She is the Principle Investigator of “The Utøya Study”, a longitudinal research project on survivors and families of the massacre.

Published Feb. 14, 2019 2:48 PM - Last modified June 19, 2019 9:28 AM