
Time and place: , Online

In this seminar, Klaus Theweleit, Eviane Leidig and Iris Beau Segers will present some of their recent work on the topic of gender and extremism.

Time and place: , Online

Ten years since the 22 July 2011 attacks in Norway, the right-wing extremism landscape has significantly shifted. This Live Briefing, hosted by ICCT in collaboration with the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX) at the University of Oslo and the Polarization and Extremism Research Innovation Lab (PERIL) at American University in Washington D.C., will feature a roundtable discussion by leading academic and policy experts on right-wing extremism. 

Time and place: , CET (online)

C-REX and CEP have organized an online public event to commemorate the Oslo/Utøya and 9/11 attacks, analyze their long-term impact, and assess the current terrorist landscape emanating from the extreme right-wing terrorist milieu as well as the Islamist terrorist scene. The recordings of the webinar are available below.

Time and place: , online

The Summer School on Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics will take place virtually from 28 June to 2 July 2021.

Time and place: , Online

Why is it so difficult to do conclusive research on extremism? How is studying far-right extremism different from Islamist and other types of extremism? What are the ethical dilemmas when working with young people in milieus that are frequently targeted by stereotypes and racism? And what are the dangers researchers face when conducting fieldwork?


For 10 år siden ble Norge og verden rystet av terrorangrepet 22. juli. Hva sier forskningen om tiden etterpå? Hvilken kunnskap har vi nå, og hva trenger vi å forske mer på? C-REX gjør opp status med gjester og samarbeidspartnere.

Time and place: , Zoom

C-REX inviterer til masterlunsj for de som skriver oppgave om eller studerer høyreekstremisme. 

Time and place: , online

C-REX and the Research Group on Populism, Anti-gender and Democracy at the University of Stavanger co-organise an online workshop on gender dimensions of right-wing populism and extremism. 


Time and place: , Zoom

Ønsker du å bli koblet til masternettverket på Senter for ekstremismeforskning (C-REX) og presentere en skisse eller et utkast til en masteroppgave for senterets forskere?