Digital Methods and Quantitative approaches

with Dr. Megan Squire, Southern Poverty Law Center

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Dr. Megan Squire is Deputy Director for Data Analytics and OSINT at the Southern Poverty Law Center. As a computer scientist, she applies techniques from data science and cybersecurity to track and expose networks of hate and extremism online. She is the author of two books on data cleaning and data mining, and over 40 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, including several Best Paper awards for her work tracking extremist online fundraising and cryptocurrency.

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Methods and ethics right webinar series

This webinar is part of the series 'Researching the far right: methods and ethics', co-organized by C-REX and PERIL (American University).

This webinar series aims to initiate and facilitate a much needed discussion about the methodological, ethical, political, personal, practical and professional issues and challenges that arise when researching far right parties, protest movements, and violent actions.

The webinars last one hour and take place every second Thursday of the month. The webinar will have one or two (short) presentations followed by a Q&A session.

Sign up to the webinar newsletter to get the link and future information

Published Jan. 6, 2023 12:03 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2023 11:25 AM