Call for Book proposals - Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right

Book Series Edited by Nigel Copsey (University of Teesside) and Graham Macklin (Centre for Research on Extremism, University of Oslo).



This book series focuses upon national, transnational and global manifestations of fascist, far right and right-wing politics primarily within a historical context but also drawing on insights and approaches from other disciplinary perspectives. Its scope also includes anti-fascism, radical-right populism, extreme-right violence and terrorism, cultural manifestations of the far right, and points of convergence and exchange with the mainstream and traditional right.


Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right is a successful series which has over forty titles in press or published. Books in the series have included both monographs and edited collections and have been reviewed in The Guardian, New Statesman, The Critic, Standpoint and The Spectator among other places. The series has covered a geographically, methodologically and historically broad range of subjects.


We welcome new book proposals on all aspects of the far right, fascism and anti-fascism in both the interwar and post-war periods. In particular we would welcome new proposals for single authored monographs or edited collections on these and similar topics:


•       Anti-Fascism in Comparative / Transnational Context

•       Ecofascism / Far Right and the Environment

•       Extreme Right Terrorism and Accelerationism

•       Gender, Male Supremacism and Incels

•       National & Transnational Histories of the Extreme Right

•       Extreme Right & Popular Culture

•       Non-Western Far-Right and Fascist Movements

•       Biographies of Prominent Far-Right Activists

•       Anti-Communist and Ultra-Right Networks

•       Digital Media and the Far Right

•       Conspiracism and the Far Right


For more information please contact:


Professor Nigel Copsey Dr Graham Macklin Craig Fowlie

Published Sep. 16, 2020 10:00 AM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2020 7:22 PM