Mixing Logics: Multiagency Approaches for Countering Violent Extremism

The report «Mixing Logics: Multiagency Approaches for Countering Violent Extremism” is authored by Jennie Sivenbring and Robin Andersson Malmros of the Segerstedt Institute of Gothenburg University.

Image may contain: Tile, Wall, Wood.

This is the first report from the three-year project «Nordic Multiagency Approaches to Handling Extremism: Policies, Perceptions and Practices” (HEX-NA), funded by NordForsk and led by prof. Tore Bjørgo at C-REX.

This first report on “policies” is addressing the organizational and legal framework for interagency collaboration in a comparative perspective, exploring how these policies impact on information sharing and the handling of confidentiality.

Published Jan. 14, 2020 8:05 AM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2022 3:27 PM