Webpages tagged with «Elections»

Image may contain: Building, Sky, Wheel, Tire, Window.
Published Apr. 4, 2023 2:47 PM

Sunday's general elections in Finland have pushed out the Social Democrats, and put the National Coalition Party and the far-right Finns Party in first and second place respectively. But what is the overall trend, and what does it mean for the Finnish far right beyond the Finns Party?

Image may contain: Furniture, Table, Chair, Hall, Desk.
Published Nov. 2, 2022 3:40 PM

Despite the electoral implosion of what was considered one the most successful far-right parties in Western Europe - the Danish People’s Party - Denmark remains a stronghold for far-right politics.

Image may contain: Musical instrument accessory, Chair, Building, Event, Government.
Published Sep. 19, 2022 12:14 PM

The Italian general elections are held on 25 September. A right-wing coalition led by the far right is widely predicted to emerge victorious. Pietro Castelli Gattinara and Caterina Froio explain how Italy got here, and the significance of the expected result.

Image may contain: Water, Cloud, Sky, Building, Plant.
Published Sep. 9, 2022 12:22 PM

The Swedish general elections are held on 11 September. This upcoming election in Sweden shows how quickly and willingly mainstream right parties adjust their policies and strategies if the only way to power goes through the far right. 

Image may contain: Gesture, Rectangle, Font, Art, Wood.
Published Apr. 29, 2022 11:46 AM

On April 24, 2022, French voters had to decide on their new president. Although Emmanuel Macron was re-elected with 58.54% of the vote, Marine Le Pen, candidate of the Rassemblement National, had never been this close to winning presidential elections. Indeed, she has progressed throughout the campaign, obtaining a historical score under the Fifth Republic of 41.46% of the vote – an increase of 7.56% compared to 2017. 

Image may contain: Office supplies, Writing implement, Pen, Ball pen, Font.
Published Apr. 8, 2022 7:49 PM

Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party wins the Hungarian national elections again, securing a two-thirds majority parliament for their fourth consecutive term.

Image may contain: Outerwear, Sky, World, Human, Flag.
Published Dec. 9, 2021 10:08 AM

RightNow! editor Iris Beau Segers summarizes the year 2021 on the blog. What have C-REX scholars, affiliates and guest contributors written about prominent events and elections,  ideological trends, right-wing violence and terrorism, and more?

Image may contain: Building, Window, Light, Crowd, Lighting.
Published June 8, 2021 1:39 PM

The April 2021 Bulgarian Parliamentary elections showed a nationalist shift in the political landscape. There has been a rise in more banal forms of nationalist participation represented by the new Ima Takuv Narod party while the more ultra-nationalist formations such as IMRO and NFSB seek consolidation for the next round of elections in July.

Image may contain: Sky, Building, Urban design, Sculpture, Window.
Published Feb. 22, 2021 8:30 AM

Over the last few weeks, the Dutch radical right has used curfew controversy to portray the government as a danger to the freedom of the average citizen. C-REX scholar Iris Beau Segers asks if the liberal-conservative VVD party might have themselves to blame, and argues that their ‘doctrine of normalcy’ has mainstreamed radical right ideas that now pose a challenge to the government’s covid-19 measures.

Image may contain: Banner, Advertising.
Published Mar. 23, 2020 9:42 AM

Ireland’s general election on 8 February saw a proliferation of radical right-wing candidates but did not herald the expected breakthrough of these parties. As Shaun McDaid explains, the little support for the radical right in Ireland is mainly explained by the ability of the political left to more effectively mobilise the electorate on issues other than immigration. While not counting on imminent success, the radical right in Ireland might nevertheless have the stamina to play the long game. 

Image may contain: Flag.
Published May 20, 2019 10:01 AM

The contribution from the Scandinavian far right – the Danish People’s Party (DF) and the Sweden Democrats (SD) – to Salvini's alliance, the European Alliance of People and Nations, is likely to be very small. In short, because DF is losing support and because SD is uninterested in joining.



Welcome to the “RightNow!” blog where you will find commentary, analysis and reflection by C-REX’s researchers and affiliates on topics related to contemporary far right politics, including party politics, subcultural trends, militancy, violence, and terrorism.

“RightNow!” also provides a platform for republishing op-eds by our core team of experts (with due acknowledgement of course) which have been published by newspapers and on other blogs in order to further highlight the breadth of our work here at C-REX. The articles give the views of the authors, not the position of the Centre for Research on Extremism.

To submit proposals and comments, contact the RightNow! editor Celestine Salomé Kunkeler.