Christopher Rettedal Fardan


Academic interests

Dr Christopher R. Fardan is a political sociologist and researcher at The University of Oslo. 

His doctoral thesis focuses on how and why exclusionary forms of nationalism sustain in contemporary Norwegian society. Drawing on multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork - including participant observation and in-depth interviews - Fardan puts emphasis on the importance of understanding mobilisation and recruitment into extreme organisations, identity formation among nationalist actors, internal, emotive group-level dynamics and the link between beliefs and action. 

Fardan has worked as a researcher on an EU-funded research project, DRIVE, which explores the role of social exclusion in the light of polarisation, radicalisation, extremism and violence - in relation to the far-right and Islamism - in Northwest Europe.

Today, he is employed as a research fellow at Centre for Research on Extremism (C-REX) at the University of Oslo.


2022-: Research Fellow at the University of Oslo (UiO)
2018-2023: Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology at The University of Manchester (UoM)
2017-2018: Master of Science (MSc) in Political Sociology at London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE)
2014-2017: Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSc) in Sociology at the University of Manchester (UoM)

Prizes and awards

2022 Sociology Prize for Public Engagement
2019 School of Social Sciences Fieldwork Bursary
2018 President’s Doctoral Scholar (PDS) Award
2018 PhD Studentship (School of Social Sciences)
2017 Sociology Ethnography Dissertation Prize



Fardan, C. R., Nissen, A. and Segers, I. B. (forthcoming) '"No Racists in Our Streets!" – Local Responses to Far-Right Anti-Islam Mobilization in Norway and Denmark'

Fardan, C. R. (2022) Extreme Nationalism in Contemporary Norway: Ideologies, Mobilisation and Activism. PhD thesis, Faculty of Humanities. Manchester: The University of Manchester. [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. and Thorleifsson C. (2020) ‘What is nationalism?’, in Jupskås, A. R. and Leidig, E. (eds.) Knowing what’s (far) right: A compendium. Oslo: C-REX, University of Oslo. [Online] Available at:


Fardan, C. R. (2024) 'Muslimers erfaringer med rasisme og diskriminering bør være et varsku', 12 March [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. and Ahmed, U. (2023) 'Rasisme er ikke mangfoldets pris, men prisen vi betaler for skjeve maktforhold', 8 December [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. (2023) '"Jeg vil hele jødefaenskapen til livs": Israel-Hamas-krigen splitter høyreekstremister', Filter Nyheter, 14 November [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. (2023) 'Hva gjør Norgesdemokratene på Blindern?', Universitas, 31 August [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. (2023) 'Mange vet ikke hvordan dagens høyreekstremisme i Norge ser ut', Aftenposten, 9 July [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. (2023) 'Krav om assimilering er en fallitterklæring', Vårt Land, 10 July [Online] Available at:

Ahmed, U. and Fardan, C. R. (2022) 'Sjokket som gjentar seg', Aftenposten, 10
November [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. and Fangen, K. (2022) 'En forsvarlig mediedekning av ekstreme
gruppers demonstrasjoner', Medier 24, 6 November [Online] Available at:

Fardan, C. R. (2021) '"Fair play" er en illusjon', Aftenbladet, 24 August [Online]
Available at:

Fardan, C. R. (2021) 'Hvordan bør vi forstå ekstremisme?', Aftenposten, 11 July
[Online] Available at:

Tags: right-wing extremism, nationalism, activism, social movements, political sociology, qualitative methods and analysis, ethnography
Published Aug. 3, 2022 11:35 AM - Last modified May 27, 2024 3:53 PM