Evola's interpretation of fascism and moral responsibility

By Elisabetta Cassina Wolf

The ideological influence that several right-wing radical thinkers exercised on the Norwegian ‘lone wolf’ terrorist Anders Behring Breivik raises the question of how far a writer can be held responsible for acts of terrorism s/he may have influenced.

Italian history provides a vital lesson in this respect: namely, the role played by the Italian traditionalist Julius Evola in the crucial passage from Fascism to neo-fascism. After reviewing Evola's ideological development, Wolff then analyses Evola's influence on a young generation of neo-fascists in Italy.

Another relevant topic is the ideological continuity between Fascism and neo-fascism identified here, as centred on Evola's view of ‘general fascism’ as the Traditional right.

This article was published in Patterns of Prejudice, Nov 2016, and can be found here.

Published Nov. 23, 2016 10:50 AM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2016 11:01 AM