Ted Kaczynski, Anti-Technology Radicalism and Eco-Fascism

by Joshua Farrel-Molloy and Graham Macklin

“Eco-fascism” is receiving renewed attention following the recent far-right terrorist attack at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. In his manifesto, the perpetrator hailed as an inspiration the 2019 Christchurch attacker, himself a self-declared “eco-fascist,’’ and plagiarised his manifesto’s section on environmentalism which described immigration as “environmental warfare” and ‘’destructive to nature.’’ Notably, the Buffalo attacker also quoted Ted Kaczynski, otherwise known as the Unabomber, excerpting Kaczynski’s critiques of leftists from his 1995 anti-technology manifesto Industrial Society and its Future (he was not the first far-right terrorist to do so, Anders Breivik also plagiarised Kaczynski’s manifesto in 2011).

See the full article here: Ted Kaczynski, Anti-Technology Radicalism and Eco-Fascism - ICCT

Published Aug. 23, 2022 1:24 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2022 1:24 PM