‘We are living in the time of a turning point’: exploring views on global entities in immigration – a comparative study of actors from different political leanings

By Kristine Dammen and Katrine Fangen

Image may contain: Azure, World, Organism, Font, Aqua.


In recent years, a series of global crises have triggered a heightened politicization of international policy efforts and a questioning of the role of global forums in the management of these crises. This article investigates the perspectives of diverse actors who mobilize against immigration to Norway, including actors from the mainstream right and left and from the far right and the far left, to analyse how they frame the impact of global political entities for migration. Based on an analysis of 27 interviews with politicians, social movement activists, and knowledge producers, we explore how radical actors employ anti-globalism frames to delegitimize refugee reception, whereas mainstream actors advocate for the regulation of migration by referencing global agreements. Ultimately, our study further nuances cleavage theory by examining how nationalism and populism intersect within the spectrum from moderate to radical viewpoints regarding the role of globalization in the realm of immigration.


Read the full article in the journal Globalizations [link].

Published May 27, 2024 10:18 AM - Last modified May 27, 2024 10:22 AM