How to manage returned foreign fighters and other Syria travellers? Measures for safeguarding and follow-up

C-REX Research report 1/2018

This report is the result of a research assignment from the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security. The objective of the assignment was to obtain more knowledge about measures that may be employed for managing, following-up and safeguarding foreign fighters who return to Norway, including imprisonment and different models for reintegration. More specifically, the objectives were to:

  • Increase knowledge about potential measures for managing and safeguarding individuals who have returned to Norway after having been foreign fighters.
  • Increase knowledge about the challenges faced and measures initiated by selected European countries in the work on managing, following-up and safeguarding foreign fighters.
  • Identify and describe one or more particularly successful models for reintegration.
  • Identify the roles of different sectors, as well as required expertise in the reintegration work.
  • Identify good models for coordination between the different stakeholders in the reintegration work, including statutory basis, options and practices.

How to manage returned foreign fighters and other Syria travellers? Measures for safeguarding and follow-up (pdf)

Hvordan håndtere hjemvendte fremmedkrigere og andre syriafarere? Tiltak for ivaretakelse og oppfølging (pdf)

Published Feb. 23, 2022 1:40 PM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2022 1:43 PM