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Have you experienced hate crime?

We are looking to speak with individuals who have experienced harassment and hate crime related to their minority background.

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Hate crime can include hateful and discriminatory speech, violence and threats, as well as property damage or incitement to criminal acts.

Have you been subjected to harassment or hate crime related to your minority background in the past three years? Then we would like to hear about your experiences for a study where we interview individuals with different minority backgrounds/identities.

We want to speak with you regardless of whether you reported the incident, and regardless of whether the police closed the case if you reported it. The most important thing is that you consider what you experienced to be a hate crime, or that it should be understood as a hate crime. 

What is hate crime?
Hate crime includes various serious/criminal acts motivated by hatred or negative attitudes towards a person or group based on their ethnicity/skin color, religion/belief, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or disability. 

  • Some examples: Slurs (e.g. "fucking XXX"), hateful comments (e.g. "you have no place in my country"), attempts to remove hijabs or other identity markers, theft and/or destruction of religious symbols or Pride flags, spitting, physical attacks, violence, or threats of violence. This also applies to incidents that occurred online.

The purpose of the study is to gain better knowledge of how those who are subjected to hate crime are affected by and cope with it. We will particularly examine to what extent victims feel supported after experiencing such negative events, and whether they believe anything should be changed in how the police and other authorities combat hate crime. This study can therefore contribute to strengthening the work against hate crime.

Fill out the form below if you want to participate in the study. You must be over 18 years old to participate.

Published Apr. 12, 2024 11:45 AM - Last modified May 8, 2024 2:21 PM