Norwegian version of this page

Participants in the project

Kai Spurkland is a police prosecutor in the Oslo Police District at the Joint Operations Unit and a researcher at the Research Department of the Norwegian Police University College. He holds a Master of Laws (1997) and a Ph.D. in Legal Science (2020). He primarily works with advisory and professional development in the areas of police law, criminal law, and criminal procedure, with a particular focus on Public Order and Preparedness. Spurkland is a member of the Chief of Police's operational staff. He also teaches at the Norwegian Police University College and at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo. Spurkland has authored several books, including "Ordensjuss" (Law of Public Order) (2019) in collaboration with Steinar Fredriksen, "Forsvarets bistand til politiet" (Military Assistance to the Police) (2021) based on his doctoral thesis, "Håndheving av smittevernregler" (Enforcement of infection control regulations) in the book "Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen" (Crisis Regulation: Legislation during the Coronavirus Crisis) edited by Høgberg, Holmøyvik, and Eriksen (2023), and "Hatkriminalitet" (Hate Crime) (2023) in collaboration with Anine Kierulf and Ingjerd Hansen. He has also published several articles on police law topics and written commentaries on the police law and sections of the penal code in Karnov.

Beate Sletvold Øistad is a senior advisor and sociologist at the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud. She has previously worked at Fafo as a research journalist.

Published Aug. 11, 2023 2:49 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 9:40 AM