Intersecting flows of Islamophobia (INTERSECT)

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Om prosjektet

INTERSECT (‘Intersecting Flows of Islamophobia’) is a research project funded by the Research Council of Norway, The Granting Committee for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FRIHUMSAM). The project is led by Associate Professor Iselin Frydenlund at MF Centre for the Advanced Study of Religion (MF CASR). It is co-organized with Professor Torkel Brekke at the University of Oslo/Centre for Research on Extremism: Right-Wing Extremism, Hate Crime and Political Violence (UiO/C-REX).  The project period lasts from 01.09.2019 to 31.08.2022.


The last decades have witnessed a sharp rise in anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic sentiments and practices (‘Islamophobia’) across the world (e.g. Runnymede 1997, FBI 2015). This is expressed in traditional media (Moore, K., Mason, P. and Lewis, J., 2008) and social media (e.g. Serrato 2018). Concerns over Islam and Muslim practices (like female veiling, halal slaughter and public religiosity) have become a prominent feature of public debate in Europe and North America. Importantly, however, Islamophobia is not confined to the ‘West’. On the contrary, anti-Muslim sentiments are high in other parts of the world as well, particularly in India and Buddhist Asia. In existing research, the global aspects of Islamophobia have received surprisingly little scholarly attention, and are mostly treated as parallel, local phenomena. However, there is empirical evidence demonstrating that Islamophobic content travels across local contexts.


Dette prosjektet er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd



Publisert 19. feb. 2019 08:51 - Sist endret 10. mars 2022 13:57


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