Eviane Leidig


Dr. Eviane Leidig is an affiliated researcher at C-REX. She is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Culture Studies at Tilburg University, Netherlands. Her EU project explores the decision making process of platforms’ content moderation policies on far-right extremist and terrorist content.

Eviane's research specializes on the global far-right, gender, and online radicalization, recruitment, and propaganda, as well as platform governance. She has published in Social Politics, Journal of Language and Politics, Religions, Patterns of Prejudice, Media & Communication, Nations & Nationalism, ICCT Publications, and Routledge, as well as edited two volumes on the radical right (Ibidem verlag). Her latest book, The Women of the Far Right: Social Media Influencers and Online Radicalization, was published in September 2023 by Columbia University Press.

She is a founding co-editor of the Global Studies of the Far Right book series at Manchester University Press.

Prior to joining Tilburg University, Eviane was a Research Fellow in the Current and Emerging Threats programme at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) in The Hague, where she advised policymakers on the dynamics of far-right movements, online radicalization, and P/CVE.

Previously, she was a postdoc on the Research Council of Norway-funded project, Intersecting Flows of Islamophobia (INTERSECT), in which she contributed with a study of social media influencer culture among far-right women in India and North America. 

Eviane received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Oslo, funded by C-REX for the duration of her doctoral studies. Her PhD research situated the pivotal role of Indian diaspora and migrant online communities as a bridge between geographically dispersed far-right movements in India (Modi), the UK (Brexit), and US (Trump). During her PhD, she was a VOX-Pol sponsored visiting researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, and a visiting researcher in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University.

An outward facing researcher, Eviane regularly contributes to international media outlets as well as consults for policy makers and practitioners. She has delivered talks for the U.S. State Department, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Commission, Council of Europe, UN, NATO, national and regional intelligence agencies, and has advised the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) and tech companies. She is affiliated with the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) and is an expert member of the European Research Community on Radicalisation for the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network.

For more, see her personal website: evianeleidig.com. To contact Eviane, please submit a request through the form on her website. Twitter/X: @evianeleidig.


  • Frydenlund, Iselin & Leidig, Eviane (2022). Introduction: “Love Jihad”: Sexuality, Reproduction and the Construction of the Predatory Muslim Male. Religions. ISSN 2077-1444. 13(3). doi: 10.3390/rel13030201. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). From love jihad to grooming gangs: tracing flows of the hypersexual Muslim male through far-right female influencers. Religions. ISSN 2077-1444. 12(12). doi: 10.3390/rel12121083. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). Far-Right Terrorism is Global, But Coverage is Not: Hindu Nationalist Violence in India. I Leidig, Eviane (Red.), The Radical Right During Crisis: CARR Yearbook 2020/21. Ibidem-Verlag. ISSN 9783838215761. s. 83–86.
  • Leidig, Eviane; Ganesh, Bharath & Bright, Jonathan (2021). New forms of cultural nationalism? American and British Indians in the Trump and Brexit Twittersphere. Nations and Nationalism. ISSN 1354-5078. doi: 10.1111/nana.12781. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). "#CoronaJihad”: How the Far-Right in India is Responding to the Pandemic. I Bar-On, Tamir & Molas, Barbara (Red.), Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right. Ibidem-Verlag. ISSN 9783838214887. s. 151–155.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Hindutva as a variant of right-wing extremism. Patterns of Prejudice. ISSN 0031-322X. 54(3), s. 215–237. doi: 10.1080/0031322X.2020.1759861. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Leidig, Eviane (2019). Immigrant, Nationalist and Proud: A Twitter Analysis of Indian Diaspora Supporters for Brexit and Trump. Media and Communication. ISSN 2183-2439. 7(1), s. 77–89. doi: 10.17645/mac.v7i1.1629. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). The Radical Right During Crisis: CARR Yearbook 2020/21. Ibidem-Verlag. ISBN 9783838215761. 482 s.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right: CARR Yearbook 2019/20. Ibidem-Verlag. ISBN 9783838214467. 466 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). अयोध्या में जन्मभूमि शिलान्यास के मायने भविष्य के भारत के लिए- नज़रिया . [Avis]. BBC Hindi.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). Hindutva as Far-Right Extremism with Dr. Eviane Leidig. [Radio]. House of DelVento podcast.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). From Cooking Videos to QAnon, N.H.-Based Video Platform Attracts Users Banned Elsewhere. [Radio]. New Hampshire Public Radio.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). The Feminine Art of Radicalisation podcast series. [Radio]. UK.
  • Kelsey-Sugg, Anna & Leidig, Eviane (2021). For some, being a tradwife is about more time with family. For others, it's a dangerous far-right ideology. [Avis]. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). Odysee: The New YouTube for the Far-Right. Global Network on Extremism and Technology Insights.
  • Leidig, Eviane & DeCook, Julia (2021). The Atlanta Shootings Reveal a Blind Spot in Far-Right Studies. Rantt Media.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). Far-Right in the Global South: Adapting and Applying Tech Policies Locally. Global Network on Extremism and Technology Insights.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2021). From cyber-Hindutva to Ab Ki Baar Trump Sarkar: (Trans) national entanglements of Hindu diaspora political integration. I Gowricharn, Ruben (Red.), Political Integration in Indian Diaspora Societies. Routledge. ISSN 9781003092155. s. 127–152.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Traditionella fruar ger extremismen en städad front. [Internett]. Expo.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). What Exactly is the Radical Right? [Radio]. Right Rising podcast.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). US election: How can we challenge right-wing extremism? . [Internett]. openDemocracy.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Hindutva, From Interwar Fascism to Narendra Modi . [Internett]. Political Observatory on Populism.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). From Incels to Tradwives: Understanding the spectrum of gender and online extremism. Impakter.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Now Streaming: “Love Jihad” on Netflix. Global Network on Extremism and Technology Insights.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Understanding the Global Far Right: Lessons from India.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). The Extreme Right in India and its Ties to a Global Online Network.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Global trends of the far right with focus on Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Dr Eviane Leidig on Hindutva & the Global Far-right, Yeah Nah Pasaran! podcast, 3CR Community Radio. [Radio]. Australia.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). '#CoronaJihad': How the Far-right in India is Responding to the Pandemic. Global Network on Extremism and Technology Insights.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2017). Republic or Death! Travels in Search of National Anthems by Alex Marshall. Nations and Nationalism. ISSN 1354-5078. 23(2), s. 427–428. doi: 10.1111/nana.12307.
  • Jupskås, Anders Ravik & Leidig, Eviane (2020). Knowing what’s (far) right. A compendium. 7Letras.
  • Leidig, Eviane (2020). Reconfiguring nationalism: Transnational entanglements of Hindutva and radical right ideology. Universitetet i Oslo. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 1. des. 2016 09:16 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2023 15:39


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