Jørgen Eikvar Axelsen

PhD Candidate, European University Institute

Academic interests

I study the challenges on the far right and the far left, looking into whether political coalitions on the local level lead to better integration to the political system. Indications of such an integration would be moderation of ideology, behavior, rhetoric, as well as increased success of coalitions on the National level. Thus the PhD is a part of the discussion of the “mainstreaming” of radical parties.

Research themes at C-REX

Parties and movements


I have a master’s degree in political science from the University of Oslo. The master’s thesis was on the role of conspiracy theories on the far right in Norway. I am a former research assistant at C-REX.


I have written the chapter on conspiracy theories in the C-REX Compendium.

Publisert 10. des. 2020 14:44 - Sist endret 18. okt. 2021 14:32