Nina Høy-Petersen


Nina Høy-Petersen er postdoktr ved Senter for ekstremismeforskning. 

Hun disputerte med avhandlingen "Cosmopolitan racists: A dual-process model of racial attitudes in Norway and how to measure them" 27. mai 2022


Nina Høy-Petersen holds an Honors Degree from Griffith University (Brisbane) as well as a MA of Social Research from Goldsmith’s University of London, both of which apply a cultural sociological toolkit to the study of everyday life practices and embodied experience. Having varied research interests, she then proceeded to work as a research assistant for projects concerned with topics of cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and hate crime. Nina is currently employed as a Ph.D. Research Fellow at the University of Oslo’s Center for Research on Extremism, where she investigates the status and limits of xenophobia in a contemporary Norwegian context.


Ongoing projects and networks:

The Status and Limits of Xenophobia in Contemporary Norway’: Drawing on qualitative interviews with 50 Norwegian citizens from a diverse spectrum of communities across the country, this PhD project investigates the status and limits of xenophobia in the general population of Norway. The central objectives of the research is to 1) empirically pin down the the micro and macro factors that influence people’s perceptions of and engagements with cultural difference; and 2) contribute towards a better understanding of the presence and variation of xenophobic, far-right, and cosmopolitan attitudes within a diversity of Norwegian contexts.

Cosmopolitan Encounters in Contemporary Australia’: This large scale and rich qualitative study investigates people’s everyday experiences and reactions to encounters with cultural difference. It was funded by the Australian Research Council, and led by Prof Zlatko Skrbis (Monash University, Melbourne), and Prof Ian Woodward (University of Southern Denmark).



2014: Awarded Goldsmith’s ‘Sociology Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement’ for having the best overall degree results, MA Social Research of graduating year.

2012: Awarded Griffith University’s |University Medal for Outstanding Academic Excellence’ for having the best degree results among all students of the graduating year.

2012: Battle of the Arts, Best Project Griffith University BA Program.

2012: Griffith Award for Academic Excellence

2010: Griffith Award for Academic Excellence

2009: Griffith Award for Academic Excellence


Positions held

Ph.D. Research Fellow at the Center for Research on Extremism.






Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Høy-Petersen, Nina; Selstø, Annlaug; Helleve, Arnfinn & Hart, Rannveig Kaldager (2023). Følgeevaluering av ICDP veiledning for foreldre med ungdommer . Folkehelseinstituttet. Område for psykisk og fysisk helse. ISSN 9788284064147. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Solhjell, Randi; Høy-Petersen, Nina & Haanshuus, Birgitte P. (2020). What is hate crime? Universitetet i Oslo.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 1. des. 2016 09:22 - Sist endret 6. juni 2024 13:22