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Events - Page 7

Time and place: , ESOP seminar room ES 1047

MACRO BB seminar. Alessia Russo, assistant professor and project member, presents the paper "Sustainable Intergenerational Insurance".

Time and place: , Seminar room ES 1220, Faculty of Social Sciences, UiO

MACRO BB seminar. Yikai Wang, assistant professor and project member, presents "China's Shadow Banking System".

Time and place: , Seminar room ES1220, Faculty of Social Sciences

MACRO BB seminar. Andreas Müller, assistant professor and project member, presents the paper "Sovereign Default Risk in a Political Equilibrium".


Time and place: , Seminar room ES1220, Faculty of Social Sciences

MACRO BB seminar. Alfonso Irrarazabal, BI Norwegian Business School and UiO, presents the paper "Optimal Asset Allocation for Commodity Sovereign Wealth Funds" w. Lin Ma.

Time and place: , Faculty of Social Sciences, seminar room ES1220

MACRO BB seminar. Jeffrey R. Campbell, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, presents the paper "Liquidity contraints of the middle class",

Time and place: , Room 1074, Eilert Sundts hus

Andreas Müller presents the paper "Time-consistent Taxation of Foreign Assets: the Efficiency Cost of  Piketty's Global Wealth Tax".

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern

Andreas Müller will present the paper "Time-consistent Taxation of Foreign Assets: the Efficiency Cost of Piketty's Global Wealth Tax".

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, B-blokka, Room ES1220

Alessia Russo will present the paper "Education and Pensions: A Positive Theory of Intergenerational Social Contracts".

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern

Yikai Wang will present  "A Quantitative Analysis of Optimal Taxation under Incomplete Markets" by Marcus Hagedorn, Hans Holter, Yikai Wang.

Time and place: , SV Fakultetet, Seminarrom 1015

Hans A. Holter will present his ongoing work on Fiscal Multipliers in the 21st Century.


Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern, University of Oslo

European Research Workshop in International Trade (ERWIT) takes place in Oslo 4-6 June 2014.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Nobel Laureate James J. Heckman gave the lecture "Causal Analysis After Haavelmo", in honour of Trygve Haavelmo.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, Domus Academica