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ERC Advanced Grant to the Department of Economics

Andreas Moxnes at the Department of Economics receives an Advanced Grant of 26 million kroner from the European Research Council (ERC).

Andreas Moxnes

Major boost for the department. Andreas Moxnes is one of two researchers receiving the ERC Advanced Grant at the Faculty of Social Sciences, one of three at the entire University of Oslo, and one of eight in all of Norway. Photo: Amund Aasbrenn/ UiO

This text is translated by UiOGPT

 – I congratulate Andreas Moxnes on this prestigious award. It is fantastic and a great recognition of the work that has been done, and of our academic staff. There is strong competition in Europe for these funds, so it is quite an achievement, says department leader Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe.

Value Chains and Value Creation

Moxnes leads the project “The Division of Labor in Production Networks" (DIVISION), which will examine global value chains and what these chains mean for our economy.

– I am especially interested in what it means for employees in companies that utilize value chains. Is it that some positions become redundant, while other positions emerge? And what about wages - are there workers who will benefit from it, while others will lose, asks Moxnes.

This is Moxnes' second ERC Grant. In 2017, he was awarded the Starting Grant by the European Research Council.

The Advanced Grant is funded with approximately 26 million Norwegian kroner (2.5 million euros) over five years.

Strengthens the Academic Community

– I was thrilled and opened a bottle of bubbles with my girlfriend, says Moxnes about the news that arrived a few days ago.

The money, according to the professor, will be used mainly to hire good researchers for the project.

– In this way, we can build a world-leading community on international economics and global value chains, here in Oslo.

He acknowledges that such a prestigious grant from the EU means a lot.

– For me personally, it means a lot, because I can build a community here at Blindern and become more productive as a researcher. The resources will also be beneficial for the Department of Economics.

Strategic Importance

Ulltveit-Moe believes the funding will have a significant impact on the institute's research.

– The project will finance several scientific positions, which results in increased academic activity. Hopefully, some academic communities will be strengthened both in the short and long term.

– More resources for the institute will benefit both students and employees. We are very excited about the award, concludes the department leader.

What is Advanced grant?

The European Research Council (ERC) supports groundbreaking research through attractive, long-term financing across all fields of study.

ERC Advanced Grant is aimed at established researchers with a "track record" showing that they are leading within their field.

Up to 2.5 million euros are granted for a maximum of five years.

Published Apr. 11, 2024 12:37 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2024 2:16 PM