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Oslo Environmental and Climate Policy Group (Oslo ECP)

A research group that aims to bring together Environmental and Climate economists in the Oslo area and beyond.

The group meetings are being held on the last Wednesday of the month from 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm at the Department of Economics at UiO, located at Eilerts Sundts hus (Moltke Moes vei 31).

About OECP

The research group presents a forum for junior and senior researchers alike to present and discuss early-stage ideas in the field of environmental and climate economics. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome, with an emphasis being on more applied, policy-oriented work.

Each meeting will start with a short presentation on a specific project (20 min) followed by a more general, open discussion (40 min). Everyone is invited to participate actively, giving constructive feedback to the speaker, as well as to provide new insights and thoughts on the topic at hand. 

The overall aim of the group is to facilitate an ongoing, state-of-the-art academic discourse, that enables new collaborations across institutions and allows for new research ideas to flourish.


Upcoming Meetings Fall 2023:

Dates for the Fall will be announced in August.

If you have some early work you would like to present on any of the free dates this term, send an e-mail to Max ( and Maren ( Please include a working title for your project as well as which date you would like to present.


Past Meetings:

31 May: 

Diana Roa (NMBU) - Accounting for Unintended Ecological Effects of our Electric Future: Optimizing Lithium Mining and Biodiversity Preservation in the Chilean High-Andean Wetlands 

26 April: 

Danial Ali Akbari (UiO) - A Heterogeneous Analytic Climate Economy

29 March: 

Ichio Aoki (OECP) - The Power of Perseverance: Parallels Between Climate and Culture

01 December: 

Felix Kapfhammer (BI) - The Drivers of Carbon Prices and Emission Reductions

24 November:

Geir Asheim (UiO) - Inclusive accounting for carbon emissions

27 October:

Jonas Werth (BI) - Coalition dynamics in International Environmental Agreements

29 September 2022:

Xiaoguang Ling (UiO) - The effect of ambient air pollution on birth outcomes in Norway

25 August 2022:

CloĆ© Garnache (OsloMet), Elisabeth Isaksen (Frisch) and Maria Nareklishvili (Frisch) - From brown to green: Employment dynamics and skill demand in a low-carbon transition

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Published Oct. 10, 2022 1:22 PM - Last modified Jan. 19, 2024 1:46 PM