Master's degree celebration 2024

The Department of Economics is hosting a graduation ceremony, the 13th of June. This ceremony is for the students who have handed in their thesis autumn 2023 or spring 2024. 

Illustrasjonsbilde. Studenter på kandidatmarkering.

Do you wish to participate?

This event is for students who handed in their master thesis autumn 2023 or spring 2024, and their guests. Every student can bring three guests to the graduation. 

Invitation and online form will be sent to the students, after handing in their thesis. 


  • Prelude from the G-major suite, by Johann Sebastian Bach. Preformed by Martin Stangebye. 
  • Welcome speech from the Head of the Department of Economics; Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe 
  • Perfect, by Ed Sheeran. Preformed by Martin Stangebye. 
  • Announcement of all candidates that have signed up for the ceremony, and their thesis title by Head of the Masters programme; Halvor Mehlum. 
  • The sound of cinema-a medley. Preformed by Martin Stangebye. 
  • Group foto outside with all candidates. 
  • Mingling in the foyer with light refreshments.



Department of Economics
Tags: master's programme, Economics
Published May 31, 2022 11:16 AM - Last modified May 20, 2024 7:36 PM