"What a Puzzle! Unravelling why UK Phillips Curves were Unstable" (på engelsk)

Skrevet av Jennifer L. Castle og David F. Hendry. Publisert i 'Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics' mars 2024.


The UK relationship between nominal wage inflation and the unemployment rate is unstable. Over sub-periods of the last 160 years of turbulent data, Phillips curve slopes range from strongly negative, slightly negative, flat, slightly positive and strongly positive. Our constant-parameter congruent model of real wages explains these instabilities, yet also implies a constant negative relationship between nominal wage inflation and the unemployment rate when corrected by its regressors. Disentangling these effects reveals that structural breaks in the real-wage model’s variables do not explain the instabilities, which instead occur during sub-periods when some of its explanatory variables are insignificant

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Publisert 24. mai 2024 14:05 - Sist endret 24. mai 2024 14:05