

Ragnar Frisch meticulously preserved his scientific correspondence throughout the entire period he was connected with the University, i.e. from around the mid-1920s. He kept letters received and copies or drafts of his own letters. His correspondence was transferred by Trygve Haavelmo as executor of Frisch’s will to the University Library, which later transferred the correspondence to the Manuscripts collection (Håndskriftsamlingen) of the National Library of Norway. More letters were found in Frisch’s archive later and merged into the correspondence collection, which now contains 10 896 registered letters, whereof 5308 letters are to Ragnar Frisch, 4675 letters from Ragnar Frisch (and, as attachments, 913 letters to and from persons other than Ragnar Frisch).

The letters of the Frisch correspondence collection in the National National Library of Norway have not been digitalized and are thus not available on web site. The aim of the archive project is to have selected parts of the collection made available by transcription or scanning. 

National Library of Norway (Nasjonalbiblioteket) Correspondence collection (Brevsamling) 761

Letters to and from Ragnar Frisch (1895-1973)

The Manuscripts Collection. The National Library of Norway, Oslo.


The PDF-files posted below list the registered letters to and from Frisch alphabetically by senders and recipients, respectively. For inspection of the letters and more information about this collection (as well as letters and materials related to Frisch in other collections), please contact the Manuscripts Collection at the National Library of Norway, Oslo:


Correspondence collection 761A contains letters to Ragnar Frisch

Open the pdf here

Correspondence collection 761B contains letters by Ragnar Frisch.

Open the pdf here


The Ragnar Frisch Archive Selected Correspondence Collection.

The archive at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, contains a large amount of the correspondence between Ragnar Frisch and his colleagues. The correspondence is organized in boxes, and can be found at the Department. Click here to read the complete list of correspondence available in the archive.

Some of the correspondence has been either scanned or transcribed, and is published online. The correspondence is sorted by the correspondent with Frisch. Click here to see the overview of selected correspondence.


Publisert 22. feb. 2011 11:54 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 12:25