Works on bee-keeping

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance." Henry David Thoreau



Title and description

1505 1915

Fra en begynder [From a beginner], Tidskrift for biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 31, 25-26.A short report on practical matters

1506 1916a

Bør modellrammen være dypere? [Should the model frame be deeper?],

Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 32, 11-12 and 43-44.

 An initial contribution by Frisch, remarks by the editor, a rejoinder by Frisch and a final remark by the editor

1507 1916b

Honningemballage - blikkspann [Honey packing - tin pails], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 32, 175-176.

1508 1916c

Quadruple vinterkasser [Quadruple winter cases], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel,Kristiania, Vol 32, 98-99.

1509 1916d

Renselsesutflugt i et varmt rum om vinteren [Cleaning outing in a warm room in the winter], Tidskrift for biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 32, 115-116.

1510 1916e

Resultatet av overvintringen 1915-1916 [The result of the overwintering 1915-1916], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 32, 72-73.Detailed account by Frisch, remarks by the editor.

1511 1916f

Skyldes det store vintertap delvis "Isle-of-Wight"-syken? [Is the heavy winter loss partly due to the "Isle-of-Wight" illness?], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 32, 135-136.

1512 1917a

Betragtninger over biaaret 1916 [Reflections on the bee year 1916], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 34-38.

1513 1917b

Bierne inntil hovedtrekket [The (work on the) bees towards the main flight], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 99-102.

1514 1917c

Erfaringer om små og store kuber [Experiences of small and large hives], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 162-165.

1515 1917d

Herr C. Haakonsen [Mr. C. Haakonsen], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 54-55.

An open letter of reply to an open letter from C. Haakonsen in the same issue of Tidskrift for Biskjødsel.

1516 1917e

Isle of Wight-syken [The Isle-of-Wight illness], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 107-107.

1517 1917f

Overvintringsproblemet [The overwintering problem], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 115-117.

1518 1917g

Overvintringsproblemet. II [The overwintering problem. II], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 145-146.

1519 1917h

Statistiske iakttagelser av biholdet i Norge [Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 33, 62-63 and 69-74.

1520 1918a

Før dagbok for bigaarden! [Keep a diary for the bee garden], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 34, 51-55.

1521 1918b

Litt bi-matematikk [Some mathematics on bees], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 34, 23-30.

1522 1918c

Litt om dronningskifte og dronninginnførsel [On exchange of queen bee and queen bee import], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 34, 114-116.

1523 1918-09

De vigtigste punkter vedrørende indvintringen [The main considerations with regard to the overwintering], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 34, 129-134.

1524 1918-12

Overvintringen [The overwintering], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 34,


A reply to H. Knudsen Ytrehus who had made some objections in a prevous issue of the journal to certain points in Frisch 1918-09.

1525 1919a

Framnæs bigård 1918 [The Framnæs bee garden 1918], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 35, 3-4.

1526 1919b

Honningprisene [The prices of honey], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 35, 116-118.

A discussion of fair prices of honey delivered from the producers, and a suggestion of implementing a maximum price system instead of the prevailing praxis of fining producers who according to a more or less summary calculation are found to have charged unreasonably high prices.

1527 1919c

Op med honningproduktionen! [Speed up the honey production!], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 35, 24-25.

1528 1919d

Overvintringen [The overwintering], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 35, 30-31.

A reply to Magnus Roen who had invited the members of Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association] to contribute in a discussion on common problems. The discussion is carried on in Frisch 1920e.

1529 1920a

Bihus [Bee houses], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 36, 8-11

1530 1920b

Hva honning er [What honey is], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 36, 154-154.

1531 1920c

Om trådning av rammer [On applying wires to strengthen the frames], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 36, 51-55.

1532 1920d

Overvintringen [The overwintering], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 36, 184-185.

1533 1920e

Overvintringsspørsmaalet. Diskusjonen fortsættes [The overwintering

question. The discussion is carried on], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 36, 173-175.

The article consists of an open letter from Magnus Roen to R. A. Frisch (173-174), a reply by Frisch (174-175) and some concluding remarks by the editor. The discussion started in Frisch 1919d.

1534 1920f

Vinterveranda [Winter veranda], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 36, 2-3.

1535 1921a

Forkvalitetens betydning for overvintringen [The importance of the quality of the fodder for the overwintering], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 10-10.

The editor has put two footnotes to Frisch's article, both on p 10.

1536 1921b

Framnæs bigård 1920 [The Framnæs bee garden 1920], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 42-42.

1537 1921c

En lettvint vinterveranda for modellkuben [A handy winter veranda for the model hive], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 3-4.

1538 1921d

Med blokk og blyant i franske bigårde [With notepad and pencil in French bee gardens], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 148-151.

1539 1921e

Den talmæssige lov for et bifolks utvikling [The numerical law for the

development of a bee population], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 121-124.

1540 1921f

Vinterverandaen [The winter veranda], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 4-7.

1541 1921g

Et åpent brev til Herr Magnus Roen! [An open letter to Mr. Magnus Roen!], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 78-78.

A contribution on the construction of the winter veranda.

1542 1921h

Et åpent brev til Hr. R. Hutchinson [An open letter to Mr. R. Hutchinson], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 74-75.

The letter - written at the request of the editor - is a reply to an article by Mr. Hutchinson in the same issue of the journal. The point in focus: A statement by Frisch in his article 1921a  on the quality of the fodder during the overwintering.

1543 1921-06

Fuktighet under overvintringen [Humidity during the overwintering] Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 84-94.

A condensed translation into English, by John Beveridge, was issued as three articles in The Bee World, Frisch 1921-08a, 1021-09 and 1921-10a.

1544 1921-08a

Humidity in the hive, The Bee World, Vol 3, 72-73.

The present article together with Frisch 1921-09 IDa and 1921-10a  is a condenced translation of Frisch 1921-06 IDc (in Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel). Condenced and translated by the Rev. John Beveridge, M.B.E.

1545 1921-08b

Statistiske iakttagelser av biavlen i Norge [Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 37, 141-142.

Prepared for Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association]. Frisch refers to his article 1917h and announces further investigations to be reported in later issues. The next observation appears in the October issue, Frisch 1921-10b.

1546 1921-09

Humidity in the hive - II, The Bee World, Vol 3, 97-98. See the annotations to Frisch 1921-08a

1547 1921-10a

Humidity in the hive - III, The Bee World, Vol 3, 120-120. See the annotations to Frisch 1921-08a.

1548 1921-10b

Statistiske iakttagelser av biavlen i Norge [Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 37, 161-165.

Prepared for Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association].Continues from Frisch 1921-08b. Further continuation in 1921-11.

1549 1921-11

Statistiske iakttagelser av biavlen i Norge [Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 37, 184-189.

Prepared for Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association]. Continues from Frisch 1921-10b. Further continuation in 1921-12.

1550 1921-12

Statistiske iakttagelser av biavlen i Norge [Statistical observations of the Works on bee-keeping 181 bee-keeping in Norway], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 37, 194-196.

Prepared for Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association]. Continues from Frisch 1921-11.

1551 1922

Dagbok for bigaarden [Diary for the bee garden], Porsgrund, H. Joh. Dyrings forlag, 61 pp.

With Ragnvald Lunde. Two short articles are included in the book: Erindringsliste for et aars biskjødsel [A memory list for the care work during a year] by Ragnar Frisch, and Litt teori og praksis i bimgaarden [A little theory and practice in the bee garden] by Ragnvald Lunde.

1552 1922-01

Statistiske iakttagelser av biavlen i Norge [Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 38, 5-7.

Prepared for Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association]. Continues from Frisch 1921-12.

1553 1922-02

Statistiske iakttagelser av biavlen i Norge [Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 38, 23-28.

Prepared for Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association], Continues from Frisch 1922-01.

1554 1922-03

Statistiske iakttagelser av biavlen i Norge [Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 38, 38-41.

Prepared for Den norske Biavlsforening [The Norwegian Bee-Keeping Association]. Continues from Frisch 1922-02 .

1555 1922-06

Sukkerforing [Sugar feeding], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 38, 88-89. On the importance of sugar feeding for a successful overwintering

1556 1922-08

Kom naturen i forkjøpet [Forestall nature], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 38, 135-138.

1557 1922-09

Biskjøtselstatistik for Norge [Bee keeping statistics for Norway], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 38, 145-146

An underheading reads (translated): "A useful and praiseworthy work is carried out. Mr. Frisch intends to continue." The Editor referes to the series of articles by Ragnar Frisch headed (translated) "Statistical observations of the bee-keeping in Norway". These articles have attracted attention, the editor writes, especially in the press abroad, which now advocates similar investigations in their respective countries.

1558 1922-11

Biskjøtselstatistik [Bee-keeping statistics], Tidsskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 38, 179-180.

Orientation on a forthcoming systematic collecting of statistics on the bee-keeping in Norway.

1559 1923d

Svermfangstapparater [Hive catching devices], Tidskrift for Biskjødsel, Kristiania, Vol 39, 27-29.

1560 1923e

Vinterverandaer [Winter verandas], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 39, 156-158.

The editor has added a note to Frisch's article reporting on testing of Frisch's veranda with promising results.

1561 1924c

Tillempet opflytningsmetode [An adjusted moving up method] Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Kristiania, Vol 40, 17-18.

After a lecture by Ragnar Frisch in Fet bi-lag [Fet bee association] 9 September 1923.

1562 1925-05

Sverming og yngel-opflytning [Swarming and moving-up brood], Tidsskrift for Biskjødsel, Vol 41 Nr 5, 71-80.

An article on how to avoid too frequent swarming

1563 1926c

De nye forseglingsbånd [The new sealing tapes], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 42, 43-45.

The sealing tapes should be pasted to the honey packings as seals, and thus give the costumers a sort of quality guarantee. In a second contribution in the same volume of the journal (81-82) - headed "Forseglingsbåndene" ["The sealing tapes"] - Frisch passes on information about the Danish arrangement with sealing tapes for honey packings.

1564 1926d

Opflytningsmetoder [Moving up methods], Tidskrift for Biskjøtsel, Vol 42, 178-182.

The article consists of two parts, One by Harald Hansen (178-180) and a rejoynder by Ragnar Frisch (180-182).

1565 1926e

Opflytningsmetoder. Alexandermetoden og Frischmetoden [Moving up

methods. The Alexander method and the Frisch method], Tidskrift for

Biskjøtsel, Vol 42, 99-100.

The article consists of two parts, one by Harald Hansen, and a rejoinder by Ragnar Frisch.

1566 1927-01

Opflytningsmetoder [Moving up methods], Tidsskrift for biskjøtsel, Vol 43, 6-12.

The article consists of two parts, one by Harald Hansen (6-9) and a rejoinder (9-12) by Ragnar Frisch.

1567 1937b

Honningplanter i Norge [Honey plants in Norway], Nytt Magasin for

Naturvidenskapene, Bind [Vol] 77, 93-98.

From the introductory remarks (translated): "I have as amateur taken an interest in bee-keeping, and have got the impression that it would be very useful if our botanists would concern themselves a bit with the honey flora: ..." Reprinted in Birøkteren 1938, Vol 54, 58-63.

1568 1938-05

Overvintringen [The overwintering], Birøkteren, Vol 54, 65-67.

1569 1938-12

Stopkassen [The stopping case], Birøkteren, Vol 54, 234-235.

A device attached to the hive to protect the bees from the great tit.

1570 1939-11

Noen erfaringer om vandring 1939 [Some experiences from wandering 1939}, Birøkteren, Vol 55, 207-208.

A report of the results from an experimental placing of hives in the heather district in the county of Telemark.

1571 1942-02

Oppflytting og dronningavl [Moving up and queen rearing], Birøkteren, Vol 58, 18-21.

1572 1945a

Frå dronningavlen. Standardisering av norsk parekube høvelig for

mengdfabrikasjon [From the queen rearing. Standardizing Norwegian mating hives suitable for mass production], Birøkteren, Vol 61, 65-70 and 217-221.

1573 1945-05

AKA-rugekammeret [The AKA hatching chamber], Birøkteren, Vol 61,


AKA is an abbreviation of Agder kontrollstasjon for bier [Agder control station for bees].

1574 1946a

AKA-dronninger 1946 [AKA-queens 1946], Birøkteren, Vol 62, 49-49.

AKA is an abbreviation of Agder kontrollstasjon for bier [Agder control station for bees].

1575 1946b

AKA-rugekammeret [The AKA hatching chambre], Birøkteren, Vol 62,


See the annotation to Frisch 1945-05.

1576 1946e

Mørk honning er blod-dannende [Dark honey is blood-creating], Birøkteren, Vol 62, 25-25.

1577 1946g

Norsk dronningavlslags parekube [The mating hive from Norwegian queen breeding association], Birøkteren, Vol 62, 32-33.

With Trygve Carlsen, Anders Lian and Odd Rosenberg.

1578 1946k

Den riktige pakningstykkelse for overvintringen [The proper stuffing thickness for the overwintering], Birøkteren, Vol 62, 112-115.

1579 1946l

Vinterpakningsformelen [The winter stuffing formula], Birøkteren, Vol 62, 182-184.

Frisch 1946k inspired a Sweedish bee-keeper, Mr. Ragnar Lanke, to write a contribution in the same vol of Birøkteren, 180-182, questioning some of the values in Frisch's winter stuffing formula. The present writing is a rejoinder to Ragnar Lanke.

1580 1947æ

Innesittingstiden i Norge og andre land [The length of time for keeping the bees "indoors" in Norway and other countries], Birøkteren, Vol 63, 83-84.

1581 1947ak

Rapport fra AKA-stasjonen 1946 [Report from the AKA station 1946],

Birøkteren, Vol 63, 98-?.

See the annotation to Frisch 1945-05.

1582 1947al

Rapport fra AKA-stasjonen for 1947 [Report from the AKA station for 1947], Birøkteren, Vol63, 197-201.

A correction in Birøkteren for 1948, p 14.

1583 1948e

Standardisering av et karaktersystem for dronninger [Standardizing a marking system for (bee) queens], Birøkteren, Vol 64, 120-120.

1584 1950b

Bistyrkens maksimum [Maximum of the bee population], Nordisk Bitidskrift, Vol 2, 7-10.

1585 1951d

Parefolk-stell ved AKA-stasjonen [Care of the mating population at the AKA station], Birøkteren, Vol 67, 95-97, 130-133 and 152-153.

1586 1952a

Das Ausleseproblem in der Bienenzüchtung, Zeitschrift für Bienenforschung, Vol 1 No 7, 1-9.

An introductory remark: "Aus dem Englishen übersetzt von Helene Gontarski".

1587 1952b

Dronningavl - den grunnleggende del av birøkten. Foredrag med

demonstrasjon på Oslo og Akershus fylkesbirøkterlags stevne 6. juli 1952 [Queen rearing - the fundamental part of apiculture. Discourse with demonstration at the gathering of Oslo og Akershus birøkterlag [the society for apiculture in Oslo and Akershus] 6 July 1952], Birøkteren, Vol 68, 153-156 and 178-179.

1588 1952-04

Renavl ved hjelp av atskilte stammer [Cultivating by different breeds],

Birøkteren, Vol 68, 49-52.

It is referred to Frisch 1952a. See Frisch 1952-05.

1589 1952-05

Parestasjon for italienere opprettet ved Eidsvoll [Mating station for Italians established at Eidsvoll], Birøkteren, Vol 68 98-98.

A note announcing that a mating station will be run on the lines laid down in Frisch 1952-04.

1590 1953a

Basislinjene ved optimalavl på bier [The basic lines in optimum rearing of bees], Nordisk Bitidskrift, Vol 5, 54-56, 61 and 64.

1591 1953-02

Hvilke egenskaper ønsker vi at biene skal ha? [Which qualities do we want the bees to possess?], Birøkteren, Vol 69, 13-19.

A correction in Frisch 1953-03. See the annotations.

1592 1953-03

Hvilke egenskaper ønsker vi at biene skal ha? [Which qualities do we want the bees to possess?], Birøkteren, Vol 69, 54-55.

A correction of a few phrases in Frisch 1953-02 IDa, and an announcement to bee-keepers who want to participate in an earlier proclaimed breeding process.

1593 1953-04-14

Generelle prinsipper for seleksjonsarbeidet [General principles for the

selection work], Oslo, A typewritten note, DE-UO, 6 pp.

A typewritten note available at DE-UO, for reading and copying

1594 1953-04-16a

2. Vinterregenerasjonen [The winter regeneration], Oslo, A typewritten note, DE-UO, 14 pp.

A typewritten copy available at DE-UO, for reading and copying.

1595 1953-04-16b

Pollenbalansen i bikroppen og bifolkenes utviklingshastighet [The pollen balance in the bee body and the speed of development of the bee populations], Oslo, A typewritten note, DE-UO, 6 pp.

A typewritten note available at DE-UO, for reading and copying.        

1596 1956c

Parefolk i små og middelstore bigårder [Mating populations in small and medium-sized bee gardens], Birøkteren, Vol 72, 58-60.

1597 1964-05

Honningcentralens betydning [The importance of the Honey Central Agency], Birøkteren, Vol 80, 69-71.

1598 1965i

Stor vinterpakning eller sirkuskunster - (a) Første artikkel [Large winter packing or circus tricks - The first article], Birøkteren, Vol 81, 24-30.

1599 1965j

Stor vinterpakning eller sirkuskunster - (b) Annen artikkel [Large winter packing or circus tricks - The second article], Birøkteren, Vol 81, 47-55.

1600 1968a

Bruk ikke kjellerovervintring [Don't do overwintering in the cellar], Birøkteren, Vol84, 68-70.

A note from the editor on p 95 correcting some fatal misprints in Frisch's article.

1601 1971g

En vurdering av dronninggelé som menneskeføde [A consideration of Royal Jelly for human consumtion], Birøkteren, Vol 87, 217-218.

1602 1973

Honningcentralens betydning [The importance of the Honey Central Agency], Birøkteren, Vol 89, 41-43.

A reprint of Frisch 1964-05. The editor has added an introductory note (translated): "The following article by recently deceased Professor Ragnar Frisch, though written some years ago is still of present interest. In our opinion the article can stand as a worthy remembrance of his work as bee-keeper and contributor to our journal." 


Publisert 4. mars 2011 13:28