Nils-Henrik M von der Fehr

Department of Economics
University of Oslo
P O Box 1095, Blindern
N-0317 Oslo


Dr polit in Economics, University of Oslo, 1992
Masters Degree in Economics, University of Oslo, 1987
BSc Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Oslo, 1983

Academic Positions

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo, 2016-
Head of the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, 2008-2015
Professor, Department of Economics, University of Oslo, 1998-
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Oslo, 1992-1998
Research Fellow, Department of Economics, University of Oslo, 1989-1991
Researcher, SAF Centre for Applied Research, 1987-1989
Assistant Researcher, Central Bureau of Statistics Norway, 1984-1987

Other Academic Experience

Guest Lecturer, University of Heidelberg, 2001
Visiting fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, 1998-1999
Scientific Advisor, Frisch Centre for Applied Economic Research, 1992-
Lecturer, Norwegian School of Management, 1991
Visitor for the Purposes of Study, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, 1990-1991
Lecturer, University of Botswana (Summer School), 1990-1993
Lecturer, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, 1989-1994

Professional Honours

Chairman of Norwegian Ministry of Finance Commission on Statistics Law, 2016-
Member of Norwegian Parliament Salary Commission, 2016-
Member of Norwegian Ministry of Law Commission on Business Opening Hours, 2016-
Member of Norwegian Government Commission on Competition between Public and Private Enterprises, 2016-
Assessor appointed by the Eastern High Court of Denmark in case between SBS Discovery/Viasat           and TV2/Denmark, 2015-
Joint Academic Director, CERRE Centre on Regulation in Europe, 2015-
Mediator for Norwegian Collective Agreement Negotiations, 2012-
Member of the Editorial Board of Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 2011-
Member of THINK A Think Tank Hosting an Interdisciplinary Network to provide Knowledge    support to EU Energy Policy Making financed by FP7 grant from DG Energy, 2010-2013
Member of Editorial Board of The Journal of the European Economic Association, 2006-2012
Member of the Board of Petoro AS, 2005-2015
Member of European Energy Institute, 2004-
Member of Scientific Council of CIVITA Centre for Business and Society, 2004-
Chairman of Norwegian Ministry of Administration and Labour Expert Commission on Competition between Public and Private Enterprises, 2004-2005
Chairman of Norwegian Ministry of Finance Tax Collection Commission, 2003-2004
Chairman of Norwegian Ministry of Administration and Labour Expert Commission on Competition in the Electricity Industry, 2003
Member of Norwegian Government University Law Commission, 2003
Member of Norwegian Competition Authority Expert Group on Electricity Markets, 2001-2002
Member of Dutch Electricity Market Surveillance Committee, 2001-2005
Mayor of the Municipality of Hurdal, 1999-2003
Member of Norwegian Government Business Law Committee, 1997-2001
Member of Norwegian Competition Authority Expert Committee on Competition Policy, 1997-1998
Member of the Norwegian Prime Minister’s Forum on Economic Growth, 1995-1998
Member of the Norwegian Government Savings and Equity Commission, 1995
Member of the Prize Committee of Sosialøkonomenes Forening, 1992-1995
Winner of the Sosialøkonomenes Forening Prize for Best Paper in Sosialøkonomen and Norsk økonomisk Tidsskrift, 1989

Research interests

Industrial economics, general (JEL L00)
Oligopoly and other forms of market imperfection (JEL D43, L13)
Auctions (JEL D44)
Competition policy (JEL K21)
Regulation (JEL L43, L51)
Regulation of utilities (electric and other) (JEL L95)