Artificial Intelligence and exams: workshop for course conveners and examiners

Artificial intelligence challenges our assessment practices: How do we ensure fair grading for our students? For many of us, this is unfamiliar territory. Therefore, will EILIN offer at workshop for course conveners and examiners.

Image may contain: Product, Azure, Organism, Font, Pattern.

Learning outcome

The goal of this course is to provide insight and experience on how language models such as ChatGPT work. The course is designed as a digital workshop (2 hours) with a focus on testing ChatGPT on your own exam questions. The topics we will cover are:

  • What is a language model and how does it work? What tools are we talking about?
  • What should I consider when creating exam questions?
  • What is important to include in an assessment guide?
  • Can a human assessor recognize text written by AI?
  • What should I do if I suspect cheating?

The course is particularly aimed at course conveners and examiners in courses with take-home exams/term papers, but is open to other.

Sign up

A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants prior to the start of the workshop.




  • Welcome: Introduction and clarification of learning outome
  • What is a language model? A brief introduction with examples and comments from participants


  • Case 1: Testing the language model on your own exam question with discussion
  • Case 2: Testing the language model on an exam response with discussion Summary/reflections


  • Optional meeting hour: here you can further test the tool, ask questions, and get help.
Published Mar. 16, 2023 1:21 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2023 1:04 PM