Starter kit: Teaching as a PhD candidate. Session 2: Teaching and supervision

Welcome to the second of three sessions of "Starter kit: Teaching as a PhD", which is an introduction to teaching and learning in higher education for PhD candidates.

Bildet kan inneholde: gest, font, sosial gruppe, deling, samfunnet.


Admission spring 2023


 This event is part of the course portfolio Starter kit: Teaching as a PhD candidate offered by EILIN - Eilerts læringsnettverk. Please consult the course page for full information on the course.

Learning outcome

This course seeks to equip you with the following

  • understanding of the fundamental concepts of learning in the higher education context
  • techniques and strategies for promoting active learning 
  • opportunities for enhancing your pedagogical practice
  • a starting point for a pedagogical portfolio for documenting your teaching 


The total workload for session 2 is 8 hours, including preparations and home work. The course is designed as an interactive workshop that emphasizes active participation. Parts of session 2 is organised as a flipped classroom, where the session is closely connected to the material in Canvas. 



  • Material will be available in Canvas


Observe a seminar or lecture of one of your colleagues, write down your reflections on: 

  • What kind of learning activities has the teacher planned to engage the students?
  • What were you inspired by?
  • What (if anything) would you do differently?
  • Other observations?


Home work

Who am I as a teacher? What formats do I enjoy and why? What would I do if I had unlimited resources?

Write a 1-2 page reflective note based on today's session.

Target group

This course is aimed at PhD candidates and who have little or no teaching experience. The course is available for all PhD candidates admitted to the PhD programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences.


Siri Aamodt (EILIN)

Publisert 24. feb. 2023 10:27 - Sist endret 6. juli 2023 08:32