Exchange semester abroad spring 2021

Last updated December 17th 2020.

Exchange semester abroad 

What must I do if I want to move my exchange semester to spring 2021 instead of autumn 2020?

  • You must inform your exchange coordinator that you have changed your semester
  • You must register and apply for courses in Studentweb and pay the term fee and the Kopinor fee. When you have done this, you are registered as a student for the term. The final deadline to do this is 1 February. 
  • Read more on the Faculty page about registrations.

When can I register for courses for the spring 2021 semester?

I need help to choose courses and plan my studies

What should I do with expenses related to my planned exchange?

  • You are responsible for any expenses you have incurred in connection to your planned exchange stay.

  • UiO advised in an email 6 April to not make any financial commitments without checking the possibility to get the expenses refunded.  

  • Contact the party in question if you have incurred any expenses or check the possibility to have expenses refunded through your insurance. 

I have sent documents to my host university. What should I do about these?

  • These documents could be English proficiency documentation, transcripts, diplomas or Learning Agreement.
  • You don't have to take any actions concerning these documents.
  • Documentation you have sent as part of the application process, will be deleted in accordance with standard rules concerning personal information. 

Can I move my exchange term abroad to a later term?

  • Your granted exchange spot for the spring semester 2021 will not matter if you apply for another exchange at a later time. 
  • Should you wish to postpone your exchange, you will have to re-apply. You will compete for an exchange spot as all other students. Your exchange semester spring 2021 will not be automatically moved to a later term.
  • Read more about exchange and application process on our website. (Norwegian site)

Can I go on exchange in a later term?

  • If you want to exchange in a later term, you should make sure that your program structure allows it.
  • If you are unsure about whether or not your program structure allows exchange at a later time, we recommend booking a digital meeting with your student advisor. 
  • Read more about exchange and application process on our website. (Norwegian site)
Published May 11, 2020 9:04 AM - Last modified Dec. 17, 2020 8:46 AM