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AI Task Force

The AI Task Force contributes to raise and solve the challenges that artificial intelligence poses to education in the social sciences. The group shall identify the need for guidelines and recommend solutions. This is an operative group that is monitoring new developments, so that the faculty's tutors are given the support they need for the sound use of AI in teaching and evaluation.

vector image of robot, brain, eyes, computer chips
  • Produce a knowledge base, propose principles, models and options for adapting learning design:
    • forms of teaching
    • forms of assessment (both compulsory activities and exams)
    • examiner tasks, including the design of examiner guidelines
  • Join/initiate projects that investigate AI in education to increase the empirical base
  • Raise AI-related matters on an ongoing basis to the faculty and central committees and networks


If you have any questions, suggestion or need help, contact us.



  • Professor Trine Waaktaar, Vice Dean for Studies (Chair)
  • Professor Bjørn Høyland, Head of Education, ISV
  • Associate Professor Cato Bjørkli, PSI
  • Associate Professor Markus Bugge, Head of Education, TIK
  • Emilie Heiberg, Deputy Leader SVSU
  • Professor Torbjørn Skardhamar, Head of Education ISS
  • Runar Forsetløkken, Study advisor, ISS
  • Sarah Frost Logan, Study Coordinator, SAI
  • Sebastian Tørnvall Andersen, Senior Advisor SV Faculty Administration
  • Siri Aamodt, Coordinator for EILIN