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Support from LINK

LINK – Centre for Learning, Innovation & Academic Development offers assistance for educational development work to UiO's teaching staff. Annually, SV faculty has a quota of 700 hours of earmarked assistance from LINK. EILIN manages this resource at the faculty.

Staff at SV faculty can apply to use the faculty's consultation hours at LINK. To apply applicants need submit a simple online application. We ask that you familiarize yourself with the criteria before applying. The application must be approved by the head of studies at your unit. Please also contact EILIN before you apply if you would like help and guidance. See the calendar below for application deadlines.

Application form

Allocation model

The faculty's LINK hours are distributed according to three categories with different proceedings depending on the size of the projects:




Diverse (Less than 10 hours) 50

Examples: Introductory meetings, short consultations, participation in seminars, estimation of the number of hours for projects, inputs/assessments of project applications, teaching plans and examiner guides.

No faculty registration or approval is necessary, but EILIN is happy to contribute if desired. Not registered.

Smaller projects (10 - 50 hours) 222

Help with application writing, participation in smaller projects, etc.

Faculty application and approval. Registered.

Larger projects (over 50 hours)  420

Participation in larger projects. 

Faculty application and approval. Registered

Totalt 692  

Criteria for allocation

  • contributes to active learning for students
  • Faculty-wide projects in line with strategic goals
  • Project is in line with the unit's strategy/annual plan
  • Projects with particularly high utility value, experience-sharing value or reuse value (results, technologies, learning resources, pedagogy etc.) can be used by others.
  • Projects with participants from multiple units

The criteria are ranked, and projects that meet more criteria will be prioritized over projects that meet fewer. If desired, with criteria 2 and 3, we can define thematic areas that are to be prioritized per year. In that case, the thematic areas must be identified and decided upon in consultation with the education leaders.

Apportioning of responsibilities

The units

  • report major projects to EILIN as early as possible
  • make internal prioritization of projects, and approves
  • Project coordinator contacts EILIN for an initial consultation (can contact LINK directly if they do not wish to go via EILIN)
  • Project coordinator applies to the faculty for time use


  • Clarifying needs: what can EILIN do, what do we need LINK for, are there other services we can use instead/as a supplement?
  • Probe possibilities and clarifies time use (if desired)
  • Assesses the assignment based on the above criteria and makes a recommendation to the dean of studies


  • Approval


The calendar accommodates both long-term planning and ongoing needs. Additionally, it ensures that the faculty has an overview of the use of hours. It has frequent application deadlines and a simple application process.

Når Hva


Faculty units notify EILIN of possible projects in the coming academic year

1. September

Application deadline for hours

15. October

Application deadline for hours

1. December

Application deadline for hours


EILIN agrees current status with LINK, and an overview of hours used is presented at the heads of studies meeting


Faculty units inform of updated requirements

15. January

Application deadline for hours

1. March

Application deadline for hours

15. April

Application deadline for hours

15. May

Application deadline for hours


EILIN agrees current status with LINK, and an overview of hours used is presented at the heads of studies meeting, subsequent evaluation of time use, and any adjustment of criteria for the following year

Published Oct. 21, 2022 1:26 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2023 10:27 AM