Persons tagged with «Innovation systems»

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Allan Dahl Andersen Andersen, Allan Dahl Researcher +47 22841615 Innovation, Innovation systems, Energy policy, Infrastructures, Science and innovation policy
Picture of Markus Bugge Bugge, Markus Associate Professor +47 22841640 +47-97665242 Innovation, innovation systems, transformative innovation policies, socio-technical transitions, mission-oriented innovation policies, indicators, economic geography, public sector innovation, digitalisation, bioeconomy, innovation policy, governance
Picture of Lars Coenen Coenen, Lars Innovation, Innovation systems, Sustainability Transitions, Economic geography
Picture of Amir Mirzadeh Phirouzabadi Mirzadeh Phirouzabadi, Amir Postdoctoral Fellow 46263183 socio-technical transitions, Sustainability Transitions, Science and innovation policy, Renewable energy, Industry transformations, Innovation systems
Mäkitie, Tuukka Rainer Reinhold Associate Professor Innovation, Innovation systems, Environment and Energy
Picture of Håkon Endresen Normann Normann, Håkon Endresen Associate Professor +47 22845885 +47 951 42524 Innovation, Environment and Energy, Energy policy, Innovation systems
Picture of Hilde Andrea Nykamp Nykamp, Hilde Andrea Postdoctoral Fellow +47 22841617 932 85 877 Innovation, Innovation systems, Climate change, Energy policy, Renewable energy
Picture of Taran Mari Thune Thune, Taran Mari Professor +47 22841634 Innovation, Innovation process, Innovation systems, Management of Innovation
Picture of Olav Wicken Wicken, Olav Professor emeritus Innovation systems, Science and innovation policy, History of technology and industry, Innovation