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Previous events - Page 20

Time and place: , Gullhaug Torg 1 & Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Strategic roll call vote requests". Co-authored with Fang-Yi Chiou & Simon Hug

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus: Grupperom 7

Closed Shudders: Elite Circulation in Denmark

Time and place: , HF 12 - Niels Treschows hus

Seminar in honour of Professor Olav Wicken.



Katrin Auel presents the paper 'Do Parliaments Talk about Each Other? Analysing Transparliamentary References in the Austrian Nationalrat and the German Bundestag’ at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 5 April 2022.

Time and place: , Online

With Ruth Wodak (Lancaster University/University Vienna)

Time and place: , Gullhaug Torg 1 & Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Fighting the Disease or Manipulating the Data? Democracy, State Capacity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic"


Time and place: , Zoom (link provided upon registration)

PROMENTAs March Scientific Meeting features a talk by our partner Dr. Eveline Crone, professor of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and professor of Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology at Leiden University.


Roman Senninger presents the paper 'Does Evidence-Based Policy-Making Reduce Elite Polarization?' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 22 March 2022.

Time and place: , Sognsveien 77 (room 207) and Zoom

The workshop marks the start-up of the project, which is financed by The Norwegian Research Council (project number 324472) and with NTNU as the collaborating institution.

Time and place: , Nydalen

Business and Climate Policy Development: When Does Opposition Become Support?

Time and place: , Zoom

Title of the presentation: "License to Educate: The Role of National Networks in Colonial Empires"

Time and place: , Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Colonial Education, Political Elites, and Regional Political Inequality in Africa"

Time and place: , Online

Lecturer: Ionut Chiruta, University of Tartu

Time and place: , Harriet Holters hus, Seminar room 201, Moltke Moes vei 31

Oslo Meetings for Genetics and Social Sciences (OMGSS) is an interdisciplinary forum open to researchers in genetics (quantitative, molecular) and/or social sciences (psychology, sociology, demography, economics) and beyond. We aim to foster knowledge exchange between disciplines, increase collaboration, and develop practical skills and resources. 

Time and place: , ARENA (Gaustadalléen 30, Oslo)

Regine Paul presents the paper 'Three worlds of risk for a trademark: The cultural political economy of European AI regulation' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 8 March 2022.

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups Hus

The PROMENTA Genetics Network is hosting this one day science communication event, featuring two London based guest speakers. 

Time and place: , Nydalen

How Public Service Users React to Bureaucratic Scandals: Evidence from a Real-World Embezzlement Case

Time and place: , Zoom/BETA, University of Strasbourg
Time and place: , ARENA (Gaustadalléen 30, Oslo)

Guri Rosén presents the paper 'How do parliaments build expertise? A study of the European Parliament' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 1 March 2022.


Chris Lord will present the paper 'Benchmarking Brexit against the Norwegian model' at the DI Garage on 24 February 2022.

Time and place: , Zoom

Written Directives and Chinese Ministerial Tenure: A New Measurement for Political Performance?

Time and place: , Teams og Universitet Cattolica i Milan

Onsdag 16. februar klokka 17 holder Fulvio Castellacci en presentasjon ved institutt for samfunnsøkonomi på Universitet Cattolica i Milan. Seminaret kan følges via Teams.

Time and place: , Zoom

The Ports speaker series features Martin Danyluk, assistant professor of geography at the University of Nottingham.

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

Is the state we want, the state we can have? Policy ambition and implementation capacities in the long run

Time and place: , Gullhaug Torg 1 & Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Privileging one's own? Voting patterns and politicized spending in India"