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Previous events - Page 43

Time and place: , House of Literature, Oslo

As part of the seminar series Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, jointly organised by the Freedom of Expression Foundation and ARENA, Prof. Timothy Garton Ash from Oxford University held the public lecture 'Rethinking Europe'.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen room, ARENA

ARENA organises a workshop gathering contributors to a forthcoming special issue of Journal of European Public Policy to discuss different visions of Differentiated Integration (DI). The aim is to contribute towards a clear, complete and concise definition of the notion.

Time and place: , 648, Eilert Sundts hus

The labour reading group will meet Thursday 31. October.

Time and place: , Domus Media, Auditorium 13

The bicentennial celebration of the Norwegian Constitution in 2014 represents an important milestone and an opportunity to reflect on the role and status of the constitution and of democracy. ARENA and ASANOR will organise a seminar which is open for everyone, but which is particularly directed towards teachers within the social sciences and humanities.

Time and place: , House of Literature, Oslo

As part of the seminar series Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, jointly organised by the Freedom of Expression Foundation and ARENA, Prof. Jeremy Adelman from Princeton University held the public lecture 'Intellectuals and the crisis of democracy in the 20th century: The odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman'.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen room, ARENA

With the European parliamentary elections just one year ahead, can we expect Euroscepticism to become dominant? Are there any lessons to be learned from the 2009 campaign? ARENA invites to a book presentation of Contesting Europe by Pieter de Wilde, Asimina Michailidou and Hans-Jörg Trenz.

Time and place: , 648, Eilert Sundts hus

The labour reading group will meet 10. October.

Time and place: , 648, Eilert Sundts hus

The labour reading group will meet Thursday 19. September.

Time and place: , The House of Literature, Oslo

Southern Europe has been severely struck by the financial crisis, in social as well as political terms. How has the crisis been handled, and could it have been done differently? These questions were discussed at a seminar staged by ARENA during the National Science Week.

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset i Oslo

Forskningsrådet arrangerer et konfrontasjonsmøte der John Erik Fossum utfordrer stortingsrepresentant Michael Tetzschner om hvorfor den norske Grunnloven i det hele tatt skal feires i 2014.

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset

Helene Sjursen deltar i debatt arrangert av Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, Europabevegelsen og Nei til EU. Her vil hun diskutere sentrale spørsmål fra et ARENA-ledet prosjekt om den norske grunnloven i en europeisk kontekst.

Time and place: , 824, Eilert Sundts hus

The labour reading group will meet Thursday 29. August 2013

Time and place: , 648, Eilert Sundts hus

The labour reading group will meet for the first time Monday 3. June 2013

Time and place: , University of Oslo

The European Union has entered the fifth year of a profound existential crisis. What started as an American financial crisis has come to question the very existence of the European Union, and indeed, has revived secessionist tendencies in several of its Member States (in particular Spain and the United Kingdom). Why is this? What is the present status of crisis? The multiple crises facing the European Union speak to the need for radically rethinking the European Union and the way in which decision-makers, intellectuals, scholars, and the public approach it.

Time and place: , Akersgt. 59, auditoriet (R5)

With the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union as a backdrop, ARENA researchers, in collaboration with 'Partnerforum', will assess recent developments in Europe and question how the Norwegian public administration adapts to the EU.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Faculty of Social Sciences, Blindern Campus, University of Oslo

Jan-Werner Müller from Princeton University will give the lecture 'Fear and Freedom: The Legacies of Mid-Twentieth-Century Liberalism' as a part of the series 'The 1814 Lectures'.

Time and place: , Venue TBA

ARENA researchers offer a PhD course in ‘Organisational Theory Approaches to the Study of Public Policy and Administration’.

Time and place: , Universitetsplassen, Downtown Oslo

ARENA is again represented Oslo Research Fair. Visit our stand to test your knowledge of European affairs and talk to our researchers.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room, ARENA

The aim of this highly interactive one day event is to develop a research agenda on the European Research Area.

Time and place: , Centre for Modern European Studies, University of Copenhagen

CEMES and EURECO - in cooperation with ARENA - holds a symposium on cosmopolitanism in light of the current challenges to European democracy. It invites leading North American scholars to enter a debate with their European colleagues on the future prospects of cosmopolitanism in Europe and the world.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern

Seyla Benhabib gave the annual ARENA lecture on 'Challenges to cosmopolitanism in Europe'.

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, Domus Academica
Time and place: , Hotel Continental

RECON’s concluding conference discusses key findings from the 5-year long project (2007-2011), which has focused on the conditions for democracy in Europe.

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset, Oslo

Europe has recently been struck with a crisis that also exposes the democratic challenges facing the European Union. What are the prospects for democracy beyond the nation state in this time of crisis?

Time and place: , Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica

A workshop in RECON's Work Package 6 - The Foreign and Security Dimension.