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Previous events - Page 3

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Cand.polit. Ingeborg Flagstad vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Introducing a systems perspective on the development of a green organisational climate: Interactions and dynamics within sustainable organisations

Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Master of Arts in European Science, Society and Technology (ESST) Irene Øvstebø Tvedten will be defending her dissertation: "Shades of Green: Calculating natures, infrastructures and futures."

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Master i Nevrovitenskap Rikka Kjelkenes vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Disentangling cognitive and brain structural correlates of mental health symptoms in youth

Time and place: , Auditorium 7 Trygve Haalvelmos, Eilert Sundts Hus

Master in Russian and East European Studies Kristian Lundby Gjerde at University of Oslo and the Department of Political Science will be defending his dissertation:"Russia, ‘double standards’, and the contestation of equivalence 2000–2019. A corpus-based exploration"

Time and place: , Auditorium 7 Trygve Haalvelmos, Eilert Sundts Hus

Master in Political Science Karin Vaagland at University of Oslo and the Department of Political Science will be defending her dissertation: "To harmonize or to externalize? EU decision making in times of migration crises". 

Time and place: , Aud. 2, Eilert Sundt's building

Master in Economics Maria Nareklishvili at Department of Economics will defend the thesis "Network Structures in Observational Data" for the PhD degree.

Time and place: , Auditorium 7 Trygve Haalvelmos, Eilert Sundts Hus

Master in Political Science and Philosophy Joris Melman at ARENA Centre for European Studies and the Department of Political Science will be defending his dissertation Deeply contested yet taken for granted - The legitimation of the euro between the political and the everyday.

Time and place: , Auditorium 7 Trygve Haalvelmos, Eilert Sundts Hus

Master in Political Science and Philosophy Joris Melman at University of Oslo and the Department of Political Science will be defending his dissertation: "Deeply contested yet taken for granted - The legitimation of the euro between the political and the everyday"

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Master i Psykologi Hedda Tvedten Ness vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Durable memory: Using task fMRI and an overnight sleep manipulation to explore age and individual differences in episodic long-term memory function

Time and place: , Auditorium 7 Trygve Haalvelmos, Eilert Sundts Hus

Master in Political Science Karin Fossheim at University of Oslo and the Department of Political Science will be defending her dissertation: "Democratic representation without elections? Understanding non-elected representatives in governance networks."

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Cand.psychol. Magnus Johan Engen vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Cognitive Heterogeneity in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Genetic Variation and Negative Symptom Groups

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Master i Psykologi Siri Hagen Kjølaas vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Growing up with a Parent with Huntington's Disease: A Qualitative Study of Adversity, Conversations and Social Support

Time and place: , Aud. 3, Eilert Sundt's building

Cand.oecon. Asbjørn Goul Andersen at Department of Economics will defend his thesis "Essays on inequality, health and housing policy" for the PhD degree.

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Cand.psychol. Trine Waage Rygvold vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Non-invasive measures of long-term potentiation (LTP)-like plasticity in humans – examining cross-modal generalizability
and functional significance.

Time and place: , Meeting room 1249, Eilert Sundt's building

Mag.rer.soc.oec. Anna Pauls at Department of Economics will defend the thesis "Misaligned interests and uncertainty. - Essays on environmentally friendly behaviour, authoritarian rule, and coercion" for the PhD degree.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, ZEB-bygningen

Master in Political Science Lars Gjesvik at University of Oslo and the Department of Political Science will be defending his dissertation: Digital Markets and Power in International Politics - Theorizing Processes of Mobilization and How Digital Markets Structure the Exercise of Power"

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Master i Psykologi Connor Spiech vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Predictive and Dynamic Mechanisms of Rhythm and Groove.

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt og Zoom

Cand. Psychol. Ingvild Haugen vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Subjective and objective executive function in people with early schizophrenia or psychosis risk: A clinical trial of Goal Management Training

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Cand. Psychol. Ruth Elizabeth Hypher vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Fatigue after pediatric acquired brain injury. Evaluation of methods of cognitive rehabilitation and impact on fatigue and related constructs.

Time and place: , Aud. 3, Eilert Sundt's building

M.Phil. Magnus Eliasson Stubhaug at Department of Economics will defend the thesis "Essays on the Intergenerational Transmission of Income and Wealth" for the Ph.D-degree.

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Cand. Psychol. Daniel Løke vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Biopsychosocial Mechanisms in Fatigue – Exploration of Factors Associated with the Occurrence and Maintenance of Fatigue in the General Population and Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, ZEB-bygningen

Cand. philol. i samfunnsgeografi Helena Nynäs ved TIK Senter for Teknologi, innovasjon og kultur vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D.: Sublime Fossefall - et bidrag til de høye fossenes kulturhistorie i Norge.

Time and place: , Aud. 7, Eilert Sundt's building

M.Phil. Tyra Merker at Department of Economics will defend the thesis "Essays on Market Power and Pricing Strategies" for the PhD degree.