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Research news - Page 8

Published Nov. 9, 2015 9:39 AM

Why has Norway ended up in a very precarious democratic situation because of its relationship with the EU? Why is the UK prime Minister saying, 'don't look to Norway'?

Published Nov. 4, 2015 2:35 PM

Few visual impressions can be compared to humans’ interest for faces. New research suggests that our brain rewards us for looking at pretty faces.

Published Oct. 26, 2015 12:26 PM

A new book sheds light on the options for Norway should it decide to withdraw from the EEA Agreement. Is a Swiss-style free-trade agreement an option, and if so, would it be more democratic?

Published Sep. 16, 2015 12:34 PM

Erik O. Eriksen sheds light on the EU as an idea and concept in his newest book which is published in Norwegian with the title 'What is the EU good for?'.

Published June 29, 2015 8:30 AM

The Oslo-based Research Group for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition has been named as a world-class research group. At the same time the group’s founders, Anders Fjell and Kristine Walhovd, have just received the Research Prize for 2015 awarded by the University of Oslo.

Published June 22, 2015 2:36 PM

What options are available for the Brits should they decide to leave the European Union? Some important lessons can be drawn from Norway, Switzerland and Iceland, current non-members which enjoy the benefits of the EU’s internal market.

Published June 19, 2015 12:17 PM

The Norwegian European policy is characterized by form rather than by content, a new study indicates. An ‘active’ European policy is primarily about a more efficient use of instruments and internal administrative coordination. It is only exceptionally about promoting Norwegian interests in specific policies.

Published June 15, 2015 8:30 AM

People born with a particular gene variant have a greater risk of developing depressions, a recent study from the Department of Psychology shows.

Published May 18, 2015 12:28 PM

Pessimism prevails about the future of carbon capture and storage in both the USA and EU. This is despite the fine promises that it was precisely this technology that would save the oil and gas industry.

Published Mar. 24, 2015 1:01 PM

A newborn infant can see its parents' expressions at a distance of 30 cm. For the first time researchers have managed to reconstruct infants visual perception of the world.

Published Feb. 12, 2015 3:02 PM

The EU system has changed significantly as a result of the euro crisis. A large international conference in Oslo in November discussed the democratic implications of these changes, both for the EU and Norway.

Published Dec. 12, 2014 1:26 PM

In an interview with Il Manifesto, Agustín José Menéndez discusses the consequences of the German Constitutional Court's February ruling on the European Central Bank's OMT mechanism.

Published Dec. 9, 2014 4:21 PM

With the rise of new technologies, organic waste has started a journey from costly by-product to valuable resource. But why does only 3% go on to become biogas and fertilizer? How can we increase the percentage?

Published Nov. 24, 2014 11:12 AM

The European Parliament and its political groups employ officials to help coordinate various aspects of the Parliament’s legislative work. In this blog post, Morten Egeberg, Åse Gornitzka and Jarle Trondal examine who these staff members are, and if their individual backgrounds influence their decisions.

Published Nov. 10, 2014 12:29 PM

Federica Mogherini has outlined an ambitious plan for the EU's foreign and security policy, but whether it is attainable remains to be seen. Johanne D. Saltnes and Tine E. Brøgger analyse the new High Representative's agenda and vision.