

The objective of this course is to analyse – empirically and conceptually – the overlapping fields of soil and societies, and how they both are affected by the cultural, political, financial and scientific paradigms governing the global food system. 


Course leaders: Andrea J. Nightingale is Professor of Human Geography, University of Oslo Dr. Rahul Ranjan is a Political Anthropologist, Oslo Metropolitan University.

Guest lecturers: Aby Séne, assisstant professor, Clemson University; Isabel Kamlongera, associate professor, Oslo Metropolitan University; Liisa Rávná Finborg, post-doctoral fellow, Tampere University, Mediated Arctic Geographies

Credits: 5 ECTS

Time and place: , Room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course responsible: Monica Melby-Lervåg

Course credits: 2 (ECTS)

Course website

For information regarding schedule and application, see the course semester page.

Application deadline: 12 August, 2024.


Time and place: , Tromsø

Lecturer: Associate professor Fredrik Nyseth


Course website


Time and place: , NTNU Dragvoll

Emneansvarlig: Professor Hans Petter Ulleberg og Professor Ellen Saur, NTNU

Studiepoeng: 5


Time and place: , Digital

Course Organisers

Professor Barbara Wasson, University of Bergen, Daniel Spikol (UCPH), and Olga Viberg (KTH)


Barbara Wasson (UiB), Mohammad Khalil (UiB), Morten Misfeldt (UCPH), Daniel Spikol (UCPH), Olga Viberg (KTH) + guest lecturers.

Course website

Course credits


Deadline for registration

15 August 2024

Time and place: , Pilestredet campus, OsloMet

Course responsable: Kjetil A van der Wel






Responsible and course teacher: Joshua Lawrence

Course credits: 3 pts.(ECTS)

Course website

For information regarding schedule and application, see the course semester page.

Application deadline: 18 August, 2024.



Time and place: , Room 1249, Eilert Sundt's building

Course responsible: Associate Professor Carolina Villegas Sanchez

Course credits: 3 (ECTS)

Course website

For information regarding schedule and application, see the course semester page.

Application deadline: 1 September, 2024.


Time and place: , Pilestredet campus, OsloMet

Course responsable: Marianne Rugkåsa

ECTS: 5 Course website




Time and place: , NTNU Campus Kalvskinnet

Course coordinator: May Britt Postholm, NTNU

Credits: 5 ECTS

Qualitative and Post-Qualitative Analysis I

Application and information:

Time and place: , Tromsø

Lecturer: Professor Rita Sørly

Course credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , NTNU Campus Kalvskinnet

Course coordinator: Fredrik Mørk Røkenes, NTNU

Credits: 5 ETCS

Literature Review in Educational Sciences

Application and information:

Time and place: , NTNU Digital Lessons

Course Coordinator: Tone Pernille Østern, NTNU

Credits: 5 ETCS

Doing Research with the Arts as Methodological Practice

Application and information:

Time and place: , Universitetet i Agder

PhD course in The French Tradition: From Durkheim to Deleuze

Time and place: , NTNU Campus Kalvskinnet/Digital

Course coordinator: Armend Tahirsylaj, NTNU

Credits: 5 ETCS

Application and information:

Time and place: , NTNU Campus Kalvskinnet

Course Coordinator: Libe García Zarranz, NTNU

Credits: 5 ECTS

Theoretical frameworks and ethics in educational research

Application and information:

Time and place: , Høgskulen i Volda

Course responsable: Tor-Johan Ekeland

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Contact: Gunnvor Bakke


Dette doktorgradskurset bringer sammen et variert sett av metodologiske tilnærminger for å demonstrere og diskutere hvordan vi kan analysere dokumenter som både tekst, ting og sosial praksis. Med utgangspunkt i en nylig publisert lærebok, vil kurset introdusere metoden 'praksisorientert dokumentanalyse' (Asdal & Reinertsen, SAGE Publishing, 2022).

Studiepoeng: 5 ECTS


Time and place: , Tromsø

Lecturer: Professor Katrin Losleben


Course website

Time and place: , Stavanger (UIS)

Course coordinator: Tarjei Mandt Larsen

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website



Course leaders and lectures:

John Parker, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Magne Flemmen, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Bjørn Schiermer, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Credits: 5 ECTS

Time and place: , Universitetet i Agder

PhD course in Political Systems and Political Governance