Courses - Page 2

Time and place: , OsloMet campus, Bislett

Course responsable: Ivan Harsløf

ECTS: 5 





This core PhD course provides an advanced introduction to Science and Technology Studies. It will cover selected classic theoretical-methodological approaches, such as laboratory studies, social construction of knowledge, actor network theory as well as feminist science studies. The course will also introduce selected recent developments within the field of STS, including care and valuation studies, the turn to study of economy and economization, studies of the digital, politics of nature and postcolonial STS. Mainly designed for PhD candidates whose previous background did not include STS, it combines an overview of selected foundational texts of STS with insights into current debates and methodological moves.

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , University of Stavanger

Course coordinator: Torvald Øgaard

Course credits: 5 ECTS

Course website



Time and place: , Tromsø

Lecturers: Associate professor Hilde Marie Pettersen, Professor Turid Moldenæs and Professor Kjell Arne Røvik

Course credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Universitetet i Stavanger

Course coordinator: Tarjei Mandt Larsen

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website


Course leader: Professor Are Skeie Hermansen and Professor Arnfinn Midtbøen

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Pilestredet campus, OsloMet

Årets innretning: Dataproduksjon, anvendt teori og analysestrategier. Hvordan få det til å henge godt sammen?

Course responsable: Marit Haldar

ECTS: 10 Course website




Time and place: , NORD universitet, campus Bodø

Studiepoeng: 5

Emneansvarlig: Ann-Torill Tørrisplass

Informasjon om kurset

Påmelding - frist 7. april 2024


This course is set up jointly by the University of Bergen, University of Oslo and the research school, Empowered Futures (based at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences): Empowered Futures | NMBU

The course takes place over five days in Bergen and Oslo. We will spend Monday and Tuesday in Bergen, and travel together by train to Oslo on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday will be spent in Oslo. There will be excursions in both locations.

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Blindern, Oslo

Responsible: Laura Ogden

Course credits: 1 ECTS

Course website

PhD candidates in Social Anthropology at other universities may apply by sending an e-mail to

Time and place: , Blindern, Oslo

Responsible: Paul Wenzel Geissler and Laura Ogden

Course credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

PhD candidates in Social Anthropology at other universities may apply by sending an e-mail to

Time and place: , University of Bergen

Course leader: Bjørn Enge Bertelsen, University of Bergen


Course website

Course credits: 5 ECTS

Deadline for application: April 25th, 2024



Course leader: Professor Alexi Gugushvili

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Blindern Campus, University of Oslo & Online

Fulvio Castellaci, University of Oslo
Milena Nikolova, University of Groningen
Martin Binder, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Paolo Piacquadio, University of St. Gallen
Tommaso Ciarli, University of Maastricht

Course credits: 8 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , The Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris (CUNP), 54 Boulevard Raspail

Course leader: Bjørn Enge Bertelsen and Knut M. Rio, University of Bergen


Course website

Course credits: 5 or 10 ECTS

Deadline for registration: January 21st, 2024



Course leader: Professor John Parker

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen

Course leader: Dr. Reto Wüest

Course website

Course credits: 1 ECTS

Deadline for registration: 7 April, 2024


Time and place: , Tromsø

Lecturers: Professor Kjersti Fjørtoft and Associate Professor Melina Duarte

Course credits: 3 ECTS

Course website




Time and place: , Campus Blindern UiO, room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course leaders: Ole Andreas Kvamme and Elin Sæther

Credits: 3 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Department of Government, University of Bergen

Course leader: Professor Lise Rakner

Course website

Course credits: 2 ECTS

Deadline for registration: 25 February, 2024


Time and place: , Le Centre universitaire de Norvège à Paris (CUNP)

ECTS credits: 3/7 

Time and place: , Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen

Course leader: Prof. Dr. Vera E. Troeger

Course website

Course credits: 10 or 3 ECTS

Deadline for registration: 1 March, 2024


Time and place: , Tromsø

Emneansvarlig: Førsteamanuensis Siri Sollied Madsen

Studiepoeng: 5



For søkere utenfor UiT: 1. desember 2023, i søknadsweben. Søkerkode 9301.

For ph.d.-studenter ved UiT: 1. februar 2024 i studentweben.

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Helga Engs hus, Rom 231

Responsible: Arne Ola Lervåg

Course credits: 5 pts. (ECTS)

Course website