University of Oslo

The list below gives an overview of PhD courses organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Oslo.

For more information, please visit the Faculties own website:

- Faculty of Educational Sciences

- Faculty of Social Sciences



Course leaders: Andrea J. Nightingale is Professor of Human Geography, University of Oslo Dr. Rahul Ranjan is a Political Anthropologist, Oslo Metropolitan University.

Guest lecturers: Aby Séne, assisstant professor, Clemson University; Isabel Kamlongera, associate professor, Oslo Metropolitan University; Liisa Rávná Finborg, post-doctoral fellow, Tampere University, Mediated Arctic Geographies

Credits: 5 ECTS

Time and place: , Room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course responsible: Monica Melby-Lervåg

Course credits: 2 (ECTS)

Course website

For information regarding schedule and application, see the course semester page.

Application deadline: 12 August, 2024.



Responsible and course teacher: Joshua Lawrence

Course credits: 3 pts.(ECTS)

Course website

For information regarding schedule and application, see the course semester page.

Application deadline: 18 August, 2024.



Time and place: , Room 1249, Eilert Sundt's building

Course responsible: Associate Professor Carolina Villegas Sanchez

Course credits: 3 (ECTS)

Course website

For information regarding schedule and application, see the course semester page.

Application deadline: 1 September, 2024.



Dette doktorgradskurset bringer sammen et variert sett av metodologiske tilnærminger for å demonstrere og diskutere hvordan vi kan analysere dokumenter som både tekst, ting og sosial praksis. Med utgangspunkt i en nylig publisert lærebok, vil kurset introdusere metoden 'praksisorientert dokumentanalyse' (Asdal & Reinertsen, SAGE Publishing, 2022).

Studiepoeng: 5 ECTS



Course leaders and lectures:

John Parker, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Magne Flemmen, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Bjørn Schiermer, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Credits: 5 ECTS


This core PhD course provides an advanced introduction to Science and Technology Studies. It will cover selected classic theoretical-methodological approaches, such as laboratory studies, social construction of knowledge, actor network theory as well as feminist science studies. The course will also introduce selected recent developments within the field of STS, including care and valuation studies, the turn to study of economy and economization, studies of the digital, politics of nature and postcolonial STS. Mainly designed for PhD candidates whose previous background did not include STS, it combines an overview of selected foundational texts of STS with insights into current debates and methodological moves.

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website



Course leader: Professor Are Skeie Hermansen and Professor Arnfinn Midtbøen

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website


This course is set up jointly by the University of Bergen, University of Oslo and the research school, Empowered Futures (based at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences): Empowered Futures | NMBU

The course takes place over five days in Bergen and Oslo. We will spend Monday and Tuesday in Bergen, and travel together by train to Oslo on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday will be spent in Oslo. There will be excursions in both locations.

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Blindern, Oslo

Responsible: Laura Ogden

Course credits: 1 ECTS

Course website

PhD candidates in Social Anthropology at other universities may apply by sending an e-mail to

Time and place: , Blindern, Oslo

Responsible: Paul Wenzel Geissler and Laura Ogden

Course credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

PhD candidates in Social Anthropology at other universities may apply by sending an e-mail to


Course leader: Professor Alexi Gugushvili

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Blindern Campus, University of Oslo & Online

Fulvio Castellaci, University of Oslo
Milena Nikolova, University of Groningen
Martin Binder, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Paolo Piacquadio, University of St. Gallen
Tommaso Ciarli, University of Maastricht

Course credits: 8 ECTS

Course website


Course leader: Professor John Parker

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Campus Blindern UiO, room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course leaders: Ole Andreas Kvamme and Elin Sæther

Credits: 3 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Le Centre universitaire de Norvège à Paris (CUNP)

ECTS credits: 3/7 

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Helga Engs hus, Rom 231

Responsible: Arne Ola Lervåg

Course credits: 5 pts. (ECTS)

Course website

Time and place: , room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course leaders: Lisbeth M. Brevik and Nora E. H. Mathé

Credits: 3 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course leader: Luca Tateo

Credits: 3 ECTS

Course website

For information regarding application, see course semester page.

Application deadline: 15 January, 2024.

Time and place: , Dates UV9102A: February 5-6, Dates UV9102B: February 12-13. Campus Blindern, Room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course leaders: Monika Bærøe Nerland and Marte Blikstad-Balas

Credits: 3 + 2 ECTS

Course sites: This course comprises two parts: an introductory part A (UV9102A) which gives an overview and part B (UV9102B) which expands upon this. 


Course leader: Professor Trude Lapppegård

Credits: 5 ECTS

Course website

Time and place: , Course dates are January 24-26, 2024. Campus Blindern UiO, room 231, Helga Engs hus

Course leader: Joke Dewilde (et al.)

Credits: 3 ECTS

Course website